meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub44> opal-rspec/master ef7c7bb Adam Beynon: Stop duplicate rake in Gemfile warnings
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<adambeynon> elia: currently getting Module#autoload working() .... a little bit tricky :/
<adambeynon> elia: also, Im half thinking about removing the const_missing() option
<adambeynon> its always annoying to get "can't read $new of undefined" errors
<adambeynon> cosnt_get() can always be inlined so it isnt slow
<elia> +1
<adambeynon> const_get**
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<GitHub85> opal/master ceee797 Adam Beynon: Remove const_missing compiler option
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<GitHub85> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub91> opal/master 6be00fe Adam Beynon: Add initial support for Module#autoload()
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<GitHub77> opal/master 7923007 Adam Beynon: Remove debug line
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1895 (master - 7923007 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<GitHub47> opal/master c730abc Adam Beynon: Remove placeholder fix
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<GitHub183> opal/master b999afa Adam Beynon: Autoload should try to get constant again after requiring dependency
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<GitHub138> opal-rspec/opal-0.7 0756d83 Adam Beynon: Get ready for opal-0.7.0
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<GitHub138> [opal-rspec] adambeynon created opal-0.7 (+1 new commit):
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<GitHub82> opal-rspec/opal-0.7 3bda367 Adam Beynon: Cleanup Rakefile
<GitHub82> opal-rspec/opal-0.7 8d56d83 Adam Beynon: Use correct opal checkout
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<GitHub157> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub157> opal/master d2520d2 Adam Beynon: Support and-op assignments using bracket reference
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<adambeynon> elia: do you mind if I change the "dist" rake task so that the resulting files are requirable?
<adambeynon> i.e. are set on Opal.modules[] rather than just being top level
<adambeynon> maybe opal.js should be an exception though?
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<adambeynon> actually, Im not sure if they should be requirable
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