meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<skofo> Got an opal-minitest going
<skofo> It's not perfect atm, but I'm happy to finally be able to run my Minitest tests through Opal
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<adambeynon> skofo: awesome. Been hoping to do that for a while
<skofo> Thank you
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<elia> e_dub, you around?
<e_dub> hey man
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<GitHub181> [opal-rspec] wasnotrice opened pull request #9: Named subject (master...named_subject)
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<GitHub101> [opal-rspec] wasnotrice opened pull request #10: Add examples for one-liner syntax (master...one_liner_syntax)
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<wasnotrice> adambeynon: Looking at rspec-its again. I got it to work as expected in a blank application, so it must be something with my setup. Will report back when I figure it out.
<adambeynon> wasnotrice: okay. I was intending to look at it tonight, as well as those two opened github issues
<adambeynon> I found a bug with using mocks as well, so there are some things that do need fixing :)
<wasnotrice> Cool. Thank you. I hope starting the pull requests is helpful. I would rather give you working code than questions, but for now it's failing specs and questions ;)
<adambeynon> wasnotrice: I do find it a very useful starting point. Much easier than having to import code from a gist/email etc
<adambeynon> will let you know how I get on
<wasnotrice> Thanks
<adambeynon> also, the work @elia is doing on the new require system should make it a lot easier to use the default rspec runner, instead of our custom one (for loading specs etc)
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<wasnotrice> adambeynon: that'll be sweet. I was just thinking about how to expose the glob used for loading specs
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<wasnotrice> adambeynon: I've narrowed down the issue with rspec-its. It works with rspec v3.0.0.beta2, but not with rspec v3.0.0.rc1. See for a minimal example app (has passing and failing branches).
<wasnotrice> Maybe comes in handy when opal-rspec upgrades rspec version
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