meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<fkchang`> meh`: elia is there still a conflict between opal browser and opal jquery? I'm a few months out of date
<elia> I'm not sure if I ever tried them together…
<elia> fkchang`, I'd say that the only possible clashes are on class names and global variables…
<meh`> impossible on class names
<meh`> everything in opal-browser is namespaced in Browser
<meh`> but $window and $document might clash
<elia> k, then it's just gvars
<fkchang`> I remember some folks mentioning it, and I had an issue where I had to order loading to avoid it, but if it's limited to just $window and $document, then it's a matter of loading last the one you want to use those 2 with?
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<elia> fkchang`, yep :)
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