meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub105> [opal-jquery] Arcovion opened pull request #42: Add #scroll_top, closes #41 (master...patch-1)
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<_elia> ryanstout, any progress on extracting reactive from volt?
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<adambeynon> ryanstout: would also like to know about that :D
<ryanstout> so I’m rewriting it to have the change notifications be async in the browser and using bloom filters instead of a graph to know which objects have events to trigger on. (It makes it much faster in the browser)
<ryanstout> once thats done I’ll pull it out
<ryanstout> should be easy to extract, its just taking me a while to rewrite it
<ryanstout> and I’ve been sidetracked with another project
<_elia> :)
<ryanstout> adambeynon: I saw you were working on Vienna the other day, how’s that going?
<adambeynon> ryanstout: going ok. Extracting stuff out of current apps. Using a batman/angular style data-x attributes. Don't really like that style, but it was quick to get going :)
<ryanstout> yea
<_elia> adambeynon, about that syntax error on named groups… ok if I change it to be a runtime error? (rationale is that someone can use libs that have them and just redefine methods)
<_elia> adambeynon, ryanstout, btw when we put up an opal job board? (enough of activeadmin these days…)
<ryanstout> _elia: sorry, maybe I’m reading it wrong, what are you asking?
<_elia> ryanstout, is more like a rant… I still have an 8hr job
<ryanstout> ah, yea
<_elia> ryanstout, but am always open to hear about "opportunities"… (← recruiter parlance here) :P
<ryanstout> hehe, yea
<ryanstout> so I’ve got the next two weeks off from my current contract, so I’m hoping to finish up the reactive stuff by the end of that
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<elia> brixen, is it ok to use not_supported_on inside an it {} block? (in mspec)
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<brixen> guards shouldn't be used inside it blocks
<elia> brixen, ok, should I then wrap the whole it block?
<elia> this the code:
<elia> it "raises a TypeError when pattern can't be converted to a string" do
<elia> not_supported_on :opal do
<elia> lambda { "hello".sub(:woot, "x") }.should raise_error(TypeError)
<elia> end
<elia> lambda { "hello".sub([], "x") }.should raise_error(TypeError)
<elia> In opal :woot and 'woot' are the same
<brixen> separate it blocks
<brixen> elia: all those composite TypeError specs need to be split anyway
<brixen> there should be a separate one for the Symbol case and Array case
<elia> k, will do and apply whenever I encounter it
<brixen> sweet, thanks
<brixen> I do the same
<elia> brixen, are you ok with a single PR or want separate branches / features?
<brixen> not sure what you mean
<elia> *a single big PR
<brixen> a single PR for splitting these specs?
<elia> vs many small PR
<elia> yes
<brixen> that's fine
<brixen> as long as I can make sense of it, I don't care how big
<elia> k, perfect, will try with the big one first, and in case I'll split as needed
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<GitHub148> opal/master 4550c08 Elia Schito: Skip specs marked as not_supported_on(:opal)
<GitHub148> [opal] elia pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1883 (master - 4550c08 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
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