meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<ylluminarious> elia i am needing opal-jquery and opal-browser in cdn format. my dad mentioned `opal-build` but i am not seeing how to use it readily. ran into some errors. can you please instruct me how to use it to build these separately so i can upload them to a server?
<elia> ylluminarious, try this command
<elia> opal-build -g opal-jquery opal-jquery > opal-jquery.js
<ylluminarious> from within the opal git source i ran bin/opal-build -g opal-jquery opal-jquery > opal-jquery.js
<ylluminarious> which game me an error about the require not finding "opal"
<ylluminarious> oh, maybe i have to use gem instead. but i wanted to use the master cdn and so i wanted to make sure i build opal-jquery and opal-browser "masters" too, or am i wrong?
ylluminarious is now known as ylluminarious|aw
<ylluminarious|aw> okay so i tried it with the gem. ylluminate suggested trying specific_install (
<ylluminarious|aw> elia: got this error:
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<elia> ylluminate, solution is just to gem install opal-jquery
<ylluminate> okay so i tried that as well with him and seems like same results elia. let me try again here
<ylluminate> okay so same result elia
<ylluminate> hmm
<ylluminate> so let me remove all of the opal* gems
<elia> +1
<ylluminate> crap, i'm seeing the same thing
<ylluminate> on ruby 2.1.2
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<ylluminate> elia, well i finally got it to build. some oddness going on there, but ended up with:
<ylluminate> which is resulting in this when it is included: