meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<ylluminate> elia: are you able to review the chat i was having with meh` yesterday?
<elia> will do
<ylluminate> hey great, thanks much
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<elia> ylluminate, I'll try to generate the opa-broweser static –maybe tonight– I just need to remember it
<ylluminate> hey thanks elia, really would like to dig into it more. + we're going to try to work on creating documentation and tutorials centered on opal here starting in the next few days.
<ylluminate> wanting to lower the bar for entry into opal / rb in browser
<elia> that would be a really great way to give back
<elia> if I may say so
<ylluminate> yeah, it's the #1 issue right now it really appears
<ylluminate> also, ylluminarious mentioned that .maps are not loading from cdn master... haven't looked yet, but something must have changed since last night
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<elia> yeh, they doesn't work there, they would need to have all source .rb files available
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