meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<Kilo`byte> umm somehow my opal assets are not being loaded in rails
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<ylluminarious> hey elia, how do you get a key's key code with opal? i'm trying to use event.keyCode for a window.onkeydown method, but opal doesn't seem to like .keyCode; it keeps returning the error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '$keyCode' of undefined
<ylluminarious> do you know how to get event.keyCode to work?
<elia> wait
<elia> ;)
<ylluminarious> oh wow
<ylluminarious> lol
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<ylluminate> elia: i still was not able to get that to build for ylluminarious the other day when we tried it. not sure if you saw my msg. apparently the opal-build is building all of opal with it? i was just wanting opal-jquery and opal-browser isolated by themselves so as to have them included separately
<elia> ylluminate, ok, remind me the command you using…
<ylluminate> opal-build -s -g opal-jquery -- opal-jquery > opal-jquery.js
<ylluminate> sorry, that was one of my variations
<ylluminate> opal-build -g opal-jquery opal-jquery > opal-jquery.js
<elia> opal-build -r opal-jquery -- opal-jquery
<elia> with -g it was trying to build the MRI side of opal-jquery which in turn requires opal etc.
<elia> ylluminate, ^^^
<ylluminate> okay, let me try that with him real quick, appreciate it!
<ylluminate> <sigh>
<ylluminate> so still a no starter elia
<elia> try cleaning up, I'm pretty sure that that expand_path comes from when you used -g
<elia> opal-build -r opal-jquery -o opal-jquery.js -- opal-jquery
<ylluminate> cleaning up?
<elia> deleting opal-jq.js
<ylluminate> oh yeah? odd, i told it to overwrite it so i didn't think it'd include that
<ylluminate> looking better so far in terms of size; down to 49k from 280 or so
<ylluminate> slick, thanks!
<ylluminate> no errors this time, great
<ylluminate> now we can actually perhaps even do something can wise now that we see how to invoke this
<ylluminate> elia: how would we do likewise with browser? check it out or git install it via source first?
<ylluminate> gem install via src i meant
<ylluminate> seemed that the gem specific_install had a problem last week though; perhaps it was just due to wrong invocation for the build command
<elia> uh, dunno honestly, probably it's the same
<elia> i mean git or gem from git
<ylluminate> k, i'll fiddle with it later, appreciate it
<elia> I'd avoid specific_install (just because I never used it)
<ylluminate> jquery was most important anyway
<ylluminate> lol
<elia> :)
<ylluminate> you stinker
<elia> leaving
<ylluminate> night
<elia> thanks, g'day!
<ylluminate> :)
<ylluminate> we're coming up on night fast
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