meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<wmnnd> Hey everyone. I was thinking about implementing some missing Regexp features with xregexp (like elia suggested might be a way to examine).
<elia> awesome
<wmnnd> But first I wanted to hear your opinion on it whether that is actually a good idea and whether you would like to have that in Opal or not.
<wmnnd> Especially considering that it would require a third-party library (even though it's MIT licensed)
<elia> meh` adambeynon ^^^ also ryanstout Zackio
<ryanstout> wmnnd: I haven’t bee following, what features are missing?
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<wmnnd_> ryanstout: Two rather important things: 1) Javascript regexps don't support the /x flag for ignoring whitespace and allowing comments 2) They also doesn't support named matches
<ryanstout> wmnnd_: interesting. I don’t use /x, but I have used named matches
<ryanstout> wmnnd_: would it add a lot of code to the runtime to make it compatible?
<wmnnd_> ryanstout: The XRegExp code is about 4 KB minified and gzipped.
<ryanstout> wmnnd_: cool
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<wmnnd_> What's also interesting about xregexp is that it uses regular JavaScript RegExp objects, so there should be no compatibility issues.
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<wmnnd_> So right now, I'm not quite sure how to tacke it. Should I do it for 0.6.2 or the current master branch? Where should the additional JS code be included, where should the license be noted. Do I have to write tests for the new features?
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<meh`> wmnnd_, personally, I wanted to add XRegExp since the beginning of Opal
<meh`> wmnnd_, so go for it
<meh`> and go for master
<meh`> and you do not have to write tests
<meh`> just tag the failing regexp tests as passing
<meh`> you could put xregexp.js inside opal/corelib
<meh`> and require it from regexp.rb
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