meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<ryanstout> so here’s a really strange question. I’m trying to run volt tests in capybara. Using chromedriver, it doesn’t work with a maxium stack size exceeded issue. The weird part is it happens if opal is the only thing on the page. Has anyone run into this issue?
<ryanstout> ok, so commenting out: bridge_class('Array', Array); makes it work again
<ryanstout> adambeynon: you around?
<ryanstout> ok, maybe thats not the cause
<ryanstout> ok, definately is something to do with a bridge class
<ryanstout> ok, it is the array bridge class
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<elia> adambeynon, finally I figured it out, there's no way to change the prototype chain once it's in place without resorting to .__proto__ =
<elia> adambeynon, and at that moment I understood that it just needs to be fixed in the find_super_* functions
<adambeynon> ahhh, and I assume __proto__ doesnt work on quite a few older browsers?
<elia> adambeynon, I'm sure it's deprecated, with no really available replacement
<elia> adambeynon, but what stopped me is that it defeats jit
<elia> at this point I'm more keen to keep the current architecture and document the hell out of it
<adambeynon> elia: ah I see. Yes. I think my time will be better spent trying to add docs to what is there now. Same with some of the compiler stuff
<adambeynon> Although that is a lot better than it used to be
<elia> yeh, I saw there are some really good intros to some of the functions
<elia> adambeynon, also I'd like to normalize assignment vs. named functions vs. exposed api and eventually publish the runtime.js docs along with API docs
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<_0txt> Hi! Where do I put my Opal (haml) templates in a Rails 4.1.x project?
<_0txt> (I can't seem to find no matter where I put them)
<adambeynon> _0txt: I usually put them in app/assets/javascripts/templates
<_0txt> adambeynon: alright, I'll give it another try. Thanks!
<_0txt> adambeynon: Yet again, I failed. Seem like I fail to understand some basic concept here:
<elia> _0txt, try requiring opal as the first thing
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<_0txt> elia: Opal is required in another file (applicaton.js)
<_elia> _0txt, sorry, misread the error, Template['foobar'] works?
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<_0txt> _elia: nope :(
<_elia> _0txt, k, well, try inspecting Template, e.g. `console.log(#{Template})`
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<_0txt> hmm.. now i get "Uncaught NoMethodError: undefined method `buffer' for #<Template::OutputBuffer:77> "
<_0txt> when I call #render
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<adambeynon> _0txt: strange. Give me 30 mins until I'm home and I'll check it out for you
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<ryanstout> adambeynon: how are you?
<ryanstout> adambeynon: did you see my comments yesterday about the chromedriver issue?
<_elia> (ryanstout, I think he's on his way home)
<ryanstout> _elia: thanks
<ryanstout> _elia: have you guys run into that issue before?
<_elia> I think meh` did with opal-browser, not sure tho
<meh`> what issue?
<_elia> was reading right now, maybe I'm wrong and it's my fault some how
<_elia> I messed up with bridged classes on master recently
<_elia> ryanstout, which version are you using (branch/sha1)
<_elia> ?
<ryanstout> of opal?
<_elia> eyp
<_elia> yep
<ryanstout> let me look
<ryanstout> 0.6.0 (so its old)
<ryanstout> is that fixed in newer opal?
<_elia> ryanstout, nm then, my changes were on master, to enable method_missing on bridged classes
<_elia> I think you should try it out tho
<ryanstout> _elia: do you think it will fix it?
<ryanstout> it looks like its a chromedriver issue anytime you have something use Array as its prototype
<_elia> maybe like yeahrb does, by generating the proper Gemfile
<ryanstout> _elia: I don’t follow. What does this have to do with the Gemfile?
<_elia> switched topic, I was just suggesting to use opal master for volt
<_elia> (and also assuming the error was on volt, and not on some other project)
<ryanstout> oh, ok
<meh`> ryanstout, chromedriver is completely broken
<ryanstout> so the chromedriver happens if opal is the only JS on the page
<meh`> ryanstout, I reported that bug ages ago
<ryanstout> meh`: do you have a url for your bug?
<meh`> ryanstout, no :D
<ryanstout> ok
<meh`> it's there somewhere
<ryanstout> I looked and the one above was the only report of it I could find
<ryanstout> thanks
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<ryanstout> what is chromedriver written in?
<meh`> ryanstout, no idea
<meh`> C++ I assume
<meh`> ryanstout, use any other driver
<meh`> firefox and whatnot
<ryanstout> yea, just trying to cover all browsers
<meh`> ryanstout, I know, it's a pain
<ryanstout> ah, “chromedriver lives in the chromium repo.”
<ryanstout> man, chromedriver doesn’t work, and phantom doesn’t support .textContent (which volt uses) I guess we’ll know if it works in Firefox :-)
<adambeynon> ryanstout: doesn't innerText work for some browsers instead? I seem to remember having to use innerText first, and then falling back to textContent for something or other
<ryanstout> adambeynon: yea, it doesn’t do either on comments, which is how I’m using it at the moment
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<ryanstout> question. Did I see you guys use browserstack for automated test running?
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<adambeynon> ryanstout: I think meh` added it for opal-browser
<adambeynon> dont think we've set it up for opal yet
<ryanstout> ok
<meh`> ryanstout, ye, it's on opal-browser
<ryanstout> I’ll check out that repo, thanks
<meh`> it's been a huge pain to set it up
<ryanstout> meh`: was just going to ask if it was a pain
<ryanstout> is it using capybara?
<meh`> it was, but all the work has already been done, by me
<meh`> ryanstout, nope
<meh`> it's a custom script
<meh`> ryanstout, you can just use opal-rspec and my script
<meh`> the rest is automagic
<ryanstout> cool, thanks
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