meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<ryanstout> anyone here going to rubyconf?
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<elia> adambeynon, have a look at this if you can:
<elia> FYI
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<wmnnd> Regexps are more hellish than the normal person could possibly comprehend. Did you know \s matches non-breaking spaces (\u00a0) in JS but not in Ruby?
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<GitHub140> [opal] meh pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub140> opal/master ed483ce meh: Add a maximum depth parameter to Promise#trace
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1971 (master - ed483ce : meh): The build passed.
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<GitHub196> opal/master 3a9b3f9 Elia Schito: Add some documentation to boot_class_meta()
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<GitHub196> opal/master 508a22a Elia Schito: Align assignments
<GitHub196> opal/master 58926c4 Elia Schito: Cleanup function definition
<GitHub196> [opal] elia pushed 7 new commits to master:
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1972 (master - 334059a : Elia Schito): The build passed.
<elia> adambeynon, meh`, ^^^ that's method_missing working on bridged classes
<elia> e.g. we could now remove most of opal-jquery aliases and expose native methods just in time
<meh`> sounds good
<elia> :)
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<fkchang> ryanstout: I'm going. One of my talk proposals (unfortunately not the opal one) was accepted
<ryanstout> fkchang: cool. What’s the talk on?
<fkchang> jubilee
<ryanstout> nice
<fkchang> though my last section will be about ruby end to end, coz my jubilee app is opal for the interactive parts
<ryanstout> jubilee is great
<ryanstout> yea, my volt talk got rejected :-(
<ryanstout> though they were nice enough to put me on the wait list, but that probably doesn’t mean anything
<fkchang> you always have to hedge your bets, I was going to propose 3 talks, but ended up at 2. I have at least 2 ideas for railsconf
<ryanstout> yea, I didn’t realize that helped
<fkchang> wait list could work, depends on who confirms that they will be speaking
<ryanstout> yea
<fkchang> if enough people withdraw, you get to speak
<ryanstout> my guess is I’m not on the top of the wait list
<ryanstout> fkchang: want to split a room? (no worries if not)
<fkchang> My guess is they really considered my other talk (writing Space Invaders in Opal), cuz they waited until the very last moment to reject me, and I know one of the reviewers was keen on my talk, but since I already had one in, they didn't -- says to me there's some reasonable possibilities for wait list people
<fkchang> re: room, likely will be rooming w/other co workers, but if no one else wants to go (San Diego? probably not), I'm up for sharing
<ryanstout> cool, when would you know by?
<fkchang> I will put out a feeler. I think at least one wants to go for certain, but his kids' schedule might mess w/that plan
<ryanstout> sounds good. (trying to cut the costs down :-)
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<GitHub44> [opal] elia pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub44> opal/master 930f2fa Elia Schito: Rename .rb_stub to .$$stub...
<fkchang> they might have some sort of room share BB or wiki up, they have in the past
<ryanstout> humm, I’ll have to look for that
<fkchang> adambeynon: meh` and elia should make a US vacation and come out. We can have a mini opal conf.
<fkchang> or dominate the lightning talks
<ryanstout> fkchang: +1
<elia> fkchang, +1 :)
<ryanstout> (its only half way around the world right?)
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1973 (master - 930f2fa : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<elia> would be awesome, but yeah, half the world
<elia> unless I get some serious proposal for a remote position :P of course…
<elia> fkchang, ryanstout how far are you guys from each other btw?
<ryanstout> fkchang: you are in California right?
<fkchang> A few states over.
<ryanstout> fkchang: where in CA are you?
<fkchang> southern cal. San Diego will be like an hourish drive for me
<fkchang> I live in Laguna Niguel
<ryanstout> 17 hour drive
<elia> :)
<fkchang> maybe I should take the train and not have deal w/parking costs
<elia> fkchang, I think an hangout would be fun too, or some remote pairing
<elia> now leaving, will check the logs :)
<ryanstout> elia: yea
<fkchang> yeah, we should do that
<fkchang> maybe ryanstout and I can do that while we're over there, at least we'll be in the same place
<ryanstout> :-)
<elia> +1
<fkchang> elia: have u met meh` in person?
<elia> do awesome stuff!
<elia> yep
<fkchang> so then u and meh` should get together, and then u 2 will be in the same place
<fkchang> if adambeynon: can get up to london, he could hangout w/the London opal group
<ryanstout> where’s meh` from?
<meh`> ryanstout, the Internet :^)
<ryanstout> nice
<elia> no one knows, he's not sure either
<elia> :(
<elia> bad timing
<meh`> lol
<elia> k, :)
<elia> leaving
<fkchang> my guess possibly Veneto?
<fkchang> cuz lissio is Veneto slang for liscio
<meh`> fkchang, nope, I use idioms from all around Italy, so everyone's confused :D
<fkchang> s/slang/dialect
<fkchang> meh`: we could always say "outer space"
<adambeynon> rubyconf is tempting...
<adambeynon> (he says until he checks out flight costs)
<meh`> lol
<adambeynon> apparently Swansea Airport in Wales doesnt run direct flights to San Diego
<adambeynon> infact it has a limit of a 12 seater plane
<adambeynon> dont think thats getting very far
<fkchang> adambeynon: I see there are several "international airports" in the UK, I originally thought u'd have to do it through Heathrow or Gatwick
<fkchang> adambeynon: u should make it a full vacation, plenty of things to see in Southern Cal
<adambeynon> fkchang: been for quick stops in SF/LA before, but was too quick
<adambeynon> wondering whether to make a holiday of it actually
<ryanstout> adambeynon: +1
<fkchang> For a long flight like that, and the cost, I would
<fkchang> sea world, SD zoo, USS Midway, Disney/Cali Adventure, Universal Studios, Hollywood, etc. A lot to do, and lots of "less touristy" things
<adambeynon> in fairness, I consider the 4 hour trip to Heathrow airport to be quite a demanding trip for my usual standards
<fkchang> yeah, the flight afterwards probably even more so
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