meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<ceej> ran into a weird issue, when I require ’native’, I get this error uninitialized constant BSON
<ceej> here’s the full stack trace
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<adambeynon> elia: regarding changing over to Parser
<adambeynon> it might make sense to make our current parser output the same format AST first
<adambeynon> then plugging it in would be a lot easier
<elia> adambeynon, makes sense
<adambeynon> maybe an aim for 0.8 is to use the same AST format
<elia> +1
<adambeynon> as soon as 0.7 is released I think thats what I might work on
<adambeynon> also, regarding require_tree(), your suggestion works fine for me
<elia> good, bc I wouldn't know where to start to do that
<elia> great! was about to ask
<elia> the only thing we might add about that is some documentation
<adambeynon> yeap, true that
<elia> adambeynon, you seen my list of stuff for the blog post?
<adambeynon> elia: I must have missed that
<elia> linking
<adambeynon> ah great, yeap
<adambeynon> elia: I have added for 0.7
<adambeynon> but I can fix that later today
<adambeynon> very small fix
<elia> adambeynon, +1 saw it (back from lunch)
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<ceej> shouldn’t doing give me access to the browser window? puts is giving me nil right now
<meh`> ceej, you don't have to
<meh`> ceej, $$ is already the wrapped window
<meh`> $$.alert("hue") would work
<meh`> out of the box
<adambeynon> meh`: I did have a thought about Native/$$ before
<adambeynon> to use constant_missing
<adambeynon> e.g.
<ceej> ah interesting...
<adambeynon> Because Native.WebSocket would call the websocket as a function
<adambeynon> where as we actually want it wrapped (or returned as a proc)
<ceej> meh`: when I try to store the object it just outputs Object {scope: null}
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<adambeynon> but then a Proc wouldn't have .new() as a method anyway..
<ceej> ye, for some reason doing doesn’t work… it will store the cache object but there is no reference to the initialized class
<meh`> ceej, I'm just wondering, any reason to not use opal-browser?
<ceej> meh`: I’m not opposed to it, just not sure how I would do it. I’m trying to make a global var available for the client of an initialized class
<ceej> o wait…. if I just make it a $ variable that seems to work!
<meh`> ceej, you can save it in a costant as well
<meh`> but sounds like a weird design
<ceej> meh`: well I’m going to be using sockets for events, but I just need a way to access the already initialize components inside the event
<meh`> ceej, tell me more, if I understand what you have to do I have a better design, but tell me more first, might be understanding wrong
<ceej> meh`: sure, one second… let me create a repo
<ceej> so I’ve come up with a way to completely separate design from backend
<ceej> so you’d create a component like
<ceej> name is the unique name, html is the design, setup is used to cleanup and cache elements
<meh`> you sure you don't want to use lissio? :P
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<ceej> meh`: I’ve never heard of it… let me take a look
<ceej> meh`: ah so this is building a front end from scratch right?
<meh`> ceej, you can use it to build a whole frontend or just use the components
<ceej> what I’m doing is working off a design/html that is completely finished and making it completely dynamic from never toughing the frontend code. that way the designer can make updates and changes without a server or knowing any scripting at all
<ceej> so the design/html are completely separate. you just drag his completed html/css site or template from and make it completely dynamic splitting it up into components
<ceej> into your public folder*
<meh`> ceej, I see
<meh`> yeah, lissio is not for you then
<ceej> :)
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<GitHub40> lissio/master a3cfd7e meh: README: minor updates
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<GitHub40> [lissio] meh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<ceej> what I’m doing right now is the events part, the client events will be triggered by websockets and the server side will get triggered directly but using the same code base
<ceej> the reason I need to access the already initialized component client side is because the cache was generated server side by parsing the html on boot with nokogiri
<ceej> if you’re interested I can make a demo site and push the code to github once I’m done
<meh`> sure
<ceej> we were already using the component structure before, but we didn’t have live updating yet and volt inspired me to use opal :)
<ceej> it will function very similarly to volt but take more of a backbone approach
<ceej> you’ll be able to use any db/nosql backend as all queries/data is process on the server
<ceej> then similar to backbone, you’ll define methods to update the dom
<ceej> meh`: does that make any sense? lol :)
<meh`> yeah, I don't like the design but I get the need
<ceej> yee… I do a lot of b2b stuff so the less magic the better. we only finally just dropped support for ie7 :/
<ceej> we still have to support ie8+ ;(
<ceej> meh`: I see you joined github in 2008 too :)
<meh`> yeah
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<GitHub116> [opal] elia created require_tree (+5 new commits):
<GitHub116> opal/require_tree 791c64d Elia Schito: Add require_tree support in processors
<GitHub116> opal/require_tree 9ed5401 Elia Schito: Add require_tree support in compiler
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<GitHub116> opal/require_tree f481eed Elia Schito: Use a separate file for sprockets’ require_tree
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Change view :^...8c18b42f759f
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1992 (require_tree - 8c18b42 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<elia> adambeynon, ^^^ there you go :)
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