meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
<ceej> meh`: it is, because if I comment it out. refresh the browser I don’t get that error. when I then run that snippet it gives that opal error
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<ceej> it makes no sense, I only get that error if that snippet is run :/
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<_ingemar> Hello. under "0.3.43 2013-05-02" claims that local_storage was added to stdlib as "a basic wrapper around localStorage". Yet I can't find no trace for this in the code? Am I just being daft?
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<adambeynon> Hi _ingemar - it was later removed, and I forgot to make a new changelog entry. Both opal-jquery and opal-browser have their own wrappers for it
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<fkchang> so what is this rubyfire that ashtonj recently wrote about?
<fkchang> adambeynon: ^^^ ashtonj says you are asking for ideas
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<_ingemar> adambeynon: Thank you!
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<adambeynon> hi fkchang
<adambeynon> An improved Vienna, basically
<adambeynon> I always heavily modify vienna in my apps, so its bringing those changes back into vienna
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<fkchang> adambeynon: cool, wonder how come I didn't see it here
<adambeynon> fkchang: my bad on that. I’ve been slow extracting the changes out of my apps into a lib
<fkchang> adambeynon: yeah, I read ashtonj's post and was surprised I hadn't heard of it by that name. I have seen you write about changing vienna
<fkchang> BTW, how did your experiment to code Reactjs in opal go
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<ryanstout> hey, rubyfire sounds cool. Let me know if there’s any code we can share between volt and fire (or vienna, etc..)
<ryanstout> I think something people can integrate into rails is a really good idea, since most ruby people are using rails
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<elia> meh`, “Where I failed, meh succeeded” :D
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<ylluminarious> go meh`! :P
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