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<tmtt> Hello... I've just started using opalrb and was wondering if it is normal for the maps to only show the line number of the entry function rather than the code that is actually failing (or anywhere near it)
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<elia> tmtt, maps are still a bit rough, hopefully we'll give a hint to the browser about the original chick of code that generated the fragment of js
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<tmtt> ok, cheers. The final block of js is mostly equivalent to the ruby so far, so I've been working straight off that without too much trouble.
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<tmtt> I keep getting "Uncaught NoMethodError: undefined method `on' for blah" when trying to use the Browser::HTTP.get example from:
<tmtt> blah being the scope of wherever I put the Browser::HTTP.get
<tmtt> Should I use it differently to the docco?
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