meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<ceej> so I just updated to the beta 0.7 and the parser craps out on everything. Is there something else you need to do with the lastest version?
<ceej> I’m getting errors like `parse error on value "bnVsbA" (tIDENTIFIER) :(file):24`
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<adambeynon> ceej: have you gist of the file that isn't compiling?
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<GitHub6> [opal-rspec] adambeynon pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub6> opal-rspec/master fc9c1a6 Adam Beynon: Use vendor gems
<GitHub6> opal-rspec/master c46aba1 Adam Beynon: Use rspec dependencies as git submodules
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<GitHub182> [opal-rspec] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub182> opal-rspec/master 95b6e0b Adam Beynon: Remove 'rake build' task
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<GitHub147> opal-rspec/master 26479a7 Adam Beynon: Add travis script
<GitHub147> [opal-rspec] adambeynon pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub147> opal-rspec/master 56614ca Adam Beynon: travis
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<travis-ci> opal/opal-rspec#7 (master - 56614ca : Adam Beynon): The build has errored.
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<GitHub82> opal-rspec/master a253c6e Adam Beynon: 1.8.7 support in Gemfile
<GitHub82> [opal-rspec] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<travis-ci> opal/opal-rspec#8 (master - a253c6e : Adam Beynon): The build failed.
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<GitHub19> opal-rspec/master c0d513e Adam Beynon: Hwyl fawr 1.8.7
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<GitHub19> [opal-rspec] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<travis-ci> opal/opal-rspec#9 (master - c0d513e : Adam Beynon): The build was fixed.
<adambeynon> \o/
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<GitHub162> [opal-rspec] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub162> opal-rspec/master fed39a1 Adam Beynon: Built gem should include rspec dependencies
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<GitHub131> [opal-rspec] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub131> opal-rspec/master 1603a8c Adam Beynon: Remove debug line
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<travis-ci> opal/opal-rspec#11 (master - 1603a8c : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<GitHub150> [opal-rspec] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub150> opal-rspec/master 5b4f6cd Adam Beynon: Some cleanup
<adambeynon> elia: random thought, do you think we could do any form of caching between compiles? Im noticing that recompiling rspec everytime takes a while. We could have an [optional] directory, like sprockets/rails does, for caching files. then only recompile them if the timestamp is newer than the compiled file
<adambeynon> maybe a post 0.7 idea
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<travis-ci> opal/opal-rspec#12 (master - 5b4f6cd : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<adambeynon> but rspec is quite a monolithic beast to keep compiling
<elia> adambeynon, I thought about treating js compilation like gem extension and compile at install time
<elia> adambeynon, but the most sensible thing to do IMO is to pass a cache object to the builder
<elia> cache key needs to keep in account all compiler options
<elia> and cache compilation results
<adambeynon> ahh yes, like we did with sprockets
<elia> yep, and that, I think, goes back to reusing their new format which takes care of that
<elia> but of course in the meanwhile we can inject a cache in the current builder
<elia> and use sprockets or rails one when in that env
<adambeynon> sweet
<elia> the only method I'd require from the cache object is fetch(cache_key, &actual_computation_if_key_is_missing)
<elia> and basic impl is of course def fetch(_key) yield end
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<adambeynon> elia: sounds good
<adambeynon> I did have another thought about letting Opal::Server take a sprockets instance as an #initialize option
<adambeynon> we could then pass the rails sprockets instance to opal-rspec for faster spec runs inside phantomjs
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<GitHub28> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub28> opal/master 0b08307 Adam Beynon: Allow Server.sprockets to be set as initializer option
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2023 (master - 0b08307 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<elia> adambeynon, that would –probably– allow for better integration with sprockets
<elia> lately I was thinking that having both Opal::Server and Opal::Environment looks a bit overkill
<elia> making opal just attach itself to sprockets sounds nice
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<adambeynon> elia: do you use the /opal_spec route from opal-rails?
<elia> sometimes
<elia> why?
<adambeynon> the way it is currently setup is that there can be duplicates of files if a foo_spec.rb requires anything.
<adambeynon> e.g. if I have foo_spec.rb and bar_spec.rb, and both require “spec_helper”, then spec_helper will be required twice
<adambeynon> until now I have been using a custom controller to fix it to suit myself, but I was wondering if you hit that problem
<adambeynon> elia: also, on a very different note, any objections to adding empty fileutils (and some other) files to opal/stdlib? rspec requires them, and having to stub them seems a bit of a pain
<adambeynon> especially now since we are no longer precompiling, we need to stub them at a global level
<elia> adambeynon, go for it, and fix the opal_spec controller
<elia> never got that problem, but also never been able to test heavily
<adambeynon> If its ok with you, I think I want to do something similar to qunit, where it still bundles all the files, but you can choose what to run via a simple select control
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<GitHub120> opal-jquery/master 78bf5ac Adam Beynon: Some cleanup
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<ceej> adambeynon: I’ll have to spend some time looking as there’s a lot of files/code not just one file
<ryanstout> +1 for caching. Having gotten used to having it in sprockets, it will be hard to see longer load times.
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<ryanstout> in volt, things reload every time you save, so I end up just changing one file here and there a lot
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<ceej> would it be possible to make tilt optional and not required if you’re not using sprocket…..
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<ceej> I’m not sure the require_relative is being use right… should it just be looking for the file scrivener/validations and not the full path, otherwise it won’t be able to find files in gems like
<ceej> I opened up tickets for both
<ceej> I think my other parsing issue are due to this `Remove const_missing option from compiler. All constant lookups are now strict.`
<ceej> yee, cause I’m getting errors on lines like this if ($scope.get('RUBY_ENGINE')['$==']("opal")) {};
<ceej> k, fixed it… it was a require order thing that broke due to the const_missing being removed
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<adambeynon> ceej: I will take a look at them in a bit
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<GitHub179> opal-spec/master a190d22 Adam Beynon: Add simple #expect method to example groups
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<ceej> adambeynon: thank you
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<GitHub165> [opal-spec] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub165> opal-spec/master 915b962 Adam Beynon: Tidy up some specs
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<GitHub51> [opal-jquery] cj opened pull request #56: added missing method serializeArray (master...serialize_array)
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<ceej> adambeynon: also created a pull request for opal-jquery
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<GitHub145> [opal-spec] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub145> opal-spec/master 68f749e Adam Beynon: Improve dsl
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<e_dub> wrong window heh
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<e_dub> ur mom says hi
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