meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<_elia> adambeynon, ping (gh#605)
<[o__o]> Fix DelegateClass:
<adambeynon> hey _elia
<adambeynon> havent got around to it
<adambeynon> dont mind changing it to 0.8 tbh
<adambeynon> Its not something Im using atm, and doesnt generally get used as much as the other delegate stuff
<_elia> adambeynon, yeah that's what I was thinking about (moving to 0.8)
<_elia> you think you'll have time to do the blog post?
<_elia> anyways I was thinking about doing a 0.7.0.beta1 round on all the gems
<_elia> (adambeynon)
<adambeynon> _elia: yes, the beta1 is a good idea. Still havent tried it fully on my apps, so just incase there is something we haven't caught
<adambeynon> blog post is no problem
<adambeynon> a lot to cover though ;)
<_elia> great, lol, yes
<_elia> we'd better stop adding stuff otherwise it'll become a novel
<adambeynon> a very excellent novel though
<adambeynon> once 0.8 is done, il look at rspec again
<adambeynon> try and get that up to date (currently its on one of the betas)
<adambeynon> I think we needed real requires to get it working
<adambeynon> I also want to try and get minitest working, for anyone who wants that instead...
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<GitHub49> [] elia pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub49> e55660a Elia Schito: Update sinatra examples to work with sourcemaps too
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<_elia> adambeynon, I though skofo already ported minitest
<_elia> *thought
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