meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<wmnnd> Hey there, can you confirm this bug here? (I would expect it to work for anyone with a local timezone east of GMT)
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<wmnnd> Oh no, now it has been merged with my pull request for XRegexp.
<wmnnd> Î guess I messed this one up. Now my xregexp pull request has only the fix for Time#yday
<meh`> wmnnd, I hope the code is not lost
<wmnnd> meh`: Nope, now it should all be there. Two separate pull requests :)
<wmnnd> And it wouldn't be lost anyways, I keep an opal-fixes.rb in my project so that I don't actually have to maintain a local Opal branch :)
<wmnnd> By the way: Has any of you had a chance to look at my XRegExp pull request?
<meh`> wmnnd, not yet, we're waiting to release 0.7
<meh`> I mean, I looked at it
<meh`> but we're going to merge it after 0.7
<wmnnd> meh`: Awesome :-)
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<GitHub199> [opal] elia force-pushed hash-hash from 0988005 to 62e07f3:
<GitHub199> opal/hash-hash efcae9e Elia Schito: Normalize Numeric#hash...
<GitHub199> opal/hash-hash 48b6b42 Elia Schito: Add missing require
<GitHub199> opal/hash-hash a044670 Elia Schito: Cleanup var names and alignment
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<elia> meh`, ok if I merge hash-hash? (supposing it'll pass of course…)
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2065 (hash-hash - 62e07f3 : Elia Schito): The build was fixed.
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<elia> meh`, btw `rake mspec` takes 0m42.338s vs `rake mspec_node` 0m25.698s
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