meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<hiro__> How can I in Opal make an element change when clicked on and then change back after some time?
<hiro__> This is what I would expect: Element['h3'].on(:click){|e|'new';sleep 5;'new'}
<hiro__> ehhh, I mean: Element['h3'].on(:click){|e|'new';sleep 5;'old'}
<adambeynon> hi hiro__
<adambeynon> opal doesn't support "sleep"
<adambeynon> are you using opal-jquery?
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<hiro__> both
<hiro__> but yes I am using opal jquery
<hiro__> require 'opal' require 'jquery.js' require 'opal-jquery'
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<hiro__> adambeynon, any idea?
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<GitHub125> [opal] meh created runtime-style-cleanup (+1 new commit):
<GitHub125> opal/runtime-style-cleanup b658f09 meh: Some coding style cleanup in the runtime
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<meh`_> elia, ping
<elia> wassup?
<meh`_> elia, see #614
<elia> gh#614
<[o__o]> Some coding style cleanup in the runtime:
<meh`_> elia, also I need bridged classes with a different superclass
<meh`_> and I think I know how to do it
<meh`_> unless you're already doing it
<elia> awesome
<elia> no, not the superclass for bridged classes
<elia> I have a branch in which I try to fix module inclusion inheritance
<meh`_> cool, I don't think it should collide too much then
<elia> but was more a way to learn how stuff works
<elia> meh`_, good job, the closure is nice to isolate by concern
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<GitHub12> [opal] elia pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub12> opal/master 95a483f Elia Schito: Merge pull request #614 from opal/runtime-style-cleanup...
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<GitHub177> [opal] elia deleted runtime-style-cleanup at b658f09:
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2008 (master - 95a483f : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<elia> meh`_, btw, there's plenty of cleanups just waiting for you out there in the runtime and core classes… ;)
<elia> bedtime, bye
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