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<GitHub112> opal-rails/master 88c26bf Elia Schito: Add a view rails generator (rails g opal:assets)
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<GitHub112> [opal-rails] elia pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<travis-ci> opal/opal-rails#110 (master - 88c26bf : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<elia> adambeynon, you around?
<adambeynon> hey elia
<elia> hey! how's it going?
<elia> adambeynon, was looking at some generated source and wondering if there's a better way to process blocks
<elia> like at the end of the arguments
<adambeynon> elia: I have thought about that before. It does become tricky trying to distinguish between a block and a proc passed as a last param
<adambeynon> fun fact, originally blocks were always passed as the first argument, aka a method call with no block would look like: obj.$foo(null, 1, 2, 3)
<adambeynon> good old days...
<elia> that's a good one for the imdb page trivia
<elia> :D
<adambeynon> lol
<elia> adambeynon, what I was thinking initially was to use $$p as just a flag and then pass the block as the last arg
<adambeynon> $$p as a flag on the method?
<elia> even better would be to have a special wrapper, like ary.$map($opal.block(function(e){…}))
<elia> flag version could look like this: ary.$map.$$p = true; ary.$map(function(e){…})
<adambeynon> then ary.$map would grab the block, and then unset the flag (so the next call without a block wouldnt fail?)
<elia> exactly
<elia> adambeynon, now works the same, but the block comes before the invocation and looks odd
<adambeynon> elia: yes, it makes things very difficult to debug atm
<elia> the wrapper wold be even prettier and could also take care of setting self
<elia> or not
<elia> no, maybe not
<adambeynon> $opal.block(function() {}, self)
<adambeynon> I guess the ordering of the block before the args is breaking source maps quite a bit as well
<elia> yeah that looks good
<elia> (adambeynon, talking about source maps, remember to give a look at passing the original source along with fragments)
<adambeynon> ah yes, will do that
<elia> trying to fix Kernel.require_tree now :)
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