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<wmnnd> Hey there, my implementation of named captures using XRegExp seems to be working fine now :-)
<wmnnd> So now I wonder what I have to do in order to do the PR, especially since I still haven't figured out how/where I should include the XRegExp library in the Opal runtime and where/how the author of XRE needs to be mentioned.
<wmnnd> Also, in the master branch, using rackup to get (I suppose) opal-rspec up doesn't work, so I'm also not quite sure how to verify whether my changes pass all required tests.
<adambeynon> wmnnd: so are all generated regexps, by the compiler, being passed through XRegExp in javascript?
<wmnnd> adambeynon: Yes.
<wmnnd> adambeynon: I made it so that the compiler has all Regexps go through Opal's method.
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<wmnnd> Oh well, I have created the PR anyways and you guys can decide how including XRegExp should be handled :-)
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<elia> wmnnd, good job :)
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<elia> adambeynon, I don't think I'll ever understand the core relations between classes and prototypes in runtime.js :(
<adambeynon> elia: lol
<adambeynon> i hate having to go back and understand it all again when something needs fixing
<elia> lol indeed
<adambeynon> elia: what part are you trying to work through
<adambeynon> where classes inherit from?
<elia> yeh, core relations between classes, their alloc / prototypes
<elia> and stuff stored in the class objects (which is silly to say, bc it means everything)
<elia> what I mean is $$alloc vs. $$parent vs. $$proto
<elia> I'm trying to get module inheritance done
<elia> adambeynon, I even tried to split runtime.js in the process
<adambeynon> $$alloc is a function, whose prototype is $$proto
<adambeynon> new Opal.Object.$$alloc()
<adambeynon> ===
<elia> k
<adambeynon> $$parent is
<adambeynon> er
<adambeynon> no idea
<elia> lol
<adambeynon> I think it points to the superclass
<adambeynon> but it might also include modules
<elia> (I think we'll need to precisely document that stuff)
<adambeynon> Opal.Object.$$parent = Opal.Kernel
<adambeynon> probably
<elia> you remember my plan for modules?
<adambeynon> 2 prototypes yeh?
<elia> yes, I kinda refined it, bc it's like a linked list and it probably doesn't need the top one and to bottom proto can be the class itself (until #prepend at least)
<elia> so I want to switch the next prototype in the class chain and inject the module (via a ghost class)
<elia> and make the ghost class parent proto point to the previous A-class parent
<elia> does it make sense?
<elia> then the Opal.donate syncronization must update the ghost classes instead of the actual classes prototypes
<elia> (adambeynon)
<elia> adambeynon, well, it's good to know that I'm not alone in finding that stuff difficult, I'll sleep it off
<elia> :)
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