meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<elia> adambeynon, remember to share the opal-angular code! :)
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<fkchang> e_dub: congrats on the getting the talk accepted
<e_dub> thanks you too. second year in a row huh?
<fkchang> yeah, I got a few ideas for railsconf talks that could get through
<ryanstout> e_dub: what’s your talk on?
<fkchang> was wondering if we could make an opal version of rsense (w/o knowing anything about what's under the hood)
<e_dub> ryanstout rsense
<ryanstout> nice
<e_dub> fkchang it will currently work on the ruby. I've had dreams of hooking it into tern or something though at some point, so it worked on the javascript stuff that the ruby classes inherit from as well
<fkchang> e_dub: I was hoping to have something rsense on the browser side. I should have time to enhance the in browser tools. I'm hoping to hack up a opal-inspector that uses source maps to entice adambeynon into writing the tool support I need to make it work for real -- it ought to be pretty slick
<e_dub> fkchang, that would actually be somewhat doable and much simpler than the sort of static analysis rsense is doing. sense its running in the browser you should be able to use reflection more like tab completion in a repl
<fkchang> e_dub: maybe we hack a bit on that at rubyconf?
<e_dub> sounds awesome
<fkchang> when r u and ryanstout getting in?
<ryanstout> I’m still figuring out my travel
<ryanstout> looks like the best flight for me puts me in at noon on the 16th
<ryanstout> which is earlier than is ideal, but there’s not many other good options
<ryanstout> so maybe I’ll explore San Diego
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<fkchang> ryanstout: I'd like to work w/you on geting opal-irb easily integrated into volt, I've got it so I cattach the embeddable versions in sinatra and rails, still need to figure out how I can be flexible on dependencies
<fkchang> ryanstout: definitely play around in SD, it's a nice city. If you're into WW2 stuff the midway is real close by
<ryanstout> fkchang: I was just telling someone yesterday that getting opal-irb in volt is high priority for me
<ryanstout> sorry, what’s the midway? (museum?)
<fkchang> USS Midway, an WW2 aircraft carrier
<ryanstout> cool
<fkchang> if memory serves, last aircraft carrier built during WW2, as such didn't see much action
<ryanstout> fkchang: probably the easiest way to do it would be as a volt component. I’m thinking what would be nice is if it could be loaded on demand (maybe with a hot key), so it didn’t have to load the opal parser every time, which last time I looked took a while to parse.
<ryanstout> fkchang: I’m changing a few things around with front-end dependency loading, let me hit you up once thats done and we can figure something out.
<ryanstout> thanks btw
<ryanstout> e_dub: when do you get in?
<e_dub> not sure yet, planning to look at flights more this weekend
<fkchang> ryanstout: definitely google around for fun stuff. Where the convention is in a real nice part of SD. Coronado Island might be fun, maybe more fun w/a friend or significant other, though
<ryanstout> cool
<ryanstout> I’ll do some googling
<fkchang> ok, so then opal hackfests at rubyconf, maybe adambeynon meh` and elia can join us on google hangouts
<ryanstout> sounds fun
<fkchang> maybe we should schedule an Opal BOF
<ryanstout> fkchang: its a bummer your opal talk didn’t get in
<e_dub> opal BOF would be dope
<ryanstout> agreed
<fkchang> ryanstout: alas, but I will be appending jubilee/opal as an example of all ruby stack as the last part of my talk, if the timing is right, I could advert on the Opal BOF
<ryanstout> cool
<ryanstout> e_dub: if you or anyone you know wants to split a room, let me know :-)
<ryanstout> trying to save some money on the hotel
<e_dub> I'll ask around and let you know if anyone is interested
<ryanstout> e_dub: thanks
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<GitHub115> opal/master 775d973 Elia Schito: Avoid computing ‘$’+jsid twice
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<GitHub151> opal/master 9ad10e8 Elia Schito: Setup $$parent for basic classes
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