meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<elia> adambeynon, you think it's feasible to add source code to fragments? (currently we're adding generated code)
<elia> adambeynon, I'm thinking about source-map names of course
<adambeynon> elia: yes, that would be a good idea actually
<elia> would ease debugging SM a lot :)
<elia> adambeynon, can you odo it or point me to the right direction?
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<adambeynon> elia: will look at it now
<elia> great!
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<elia> adambeynon, you online?
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<GitHub47> [opal] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub47> opal/master 301210e Elia Schito: Align assignments in runtime.js...
<GitHub47> opal/master d36597f Elia Schito: Mark successful guard spec runs as… successful!
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<GitHub146> opal/master 0084425 Elia Schito: Use the passed id for Function.displayName...
<GitHub146> opal/master 822c778 Elia Schito: Add missing requires
<GitHub146> [opal] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
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<ryanstout> question, what’s the status of jruby support for opal? Looks like the tests are failing on travis
<elia> ryanstout, I noticed today
<elia> I think everything's fine, just some issue with missing fork or unixness
<ryanstout> ok
<ryanstout> cool
<elia> ryanstout, I'm totally lost in prototypes right now btw @~@
<ryanstout> elia: you mean JS prototypes?
<elia> yep
<elia> I'm trying to give module inclusion a real prototype chain
<ryanstout> elia: what’s browsers support __proto__ now days?
<elia> so that e.g. super with multiple included modules will work
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<ryanstout> interesting
<ryanstout> I haven’t kept up with that stuff :-)
<ryanstout> weird that it would slow it down
<elia> They probably cache the hell out of the chain
<elia> and try to squash the lookup
<elia> I'll stick with prototype.constructor.prototype
<elia> does it makes sense?
<ryanstout> yea
<elia> phew
<elia> :)
<elia> I'm tired and suck with: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
<elia> if I put the stuff on GH would you mind giving it a look?
<ryanstout> bummer
<ryanstout> sure
<ryanstout> I used to know this stuff really well, but I haven’t kept up and things have probably changed
<ryanstout> I helped with the original moo-tools back in the day, lots of prototype mangling :-)
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<GitHub190> opal/elia/protons 7d7ef7f Elia Schito: [snapshot]
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<GitHub190> [opal] elia created elia/protons (+1 new commit):
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<GitHub58> opal/elia/protons 0ca5c4c Elia Schito: [snapshot]
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<GitHub58> [opal] elia force-pushed elia/protons from 7d7ef7f to 0ca5c4c:
<elia> branch is elia/protons
<elia> ryanstout, the core of it should be in rb_include_module (runtime.js)
<ryanstout> elia: so can you explain a bit more what this is doing?
<elia> the idea is to inject the a copy of the module in the ancestor chain of a class
<elia> each time the module is included
<elia> the copy is named "iclass" as included class
<elia> and has as prototype the previous parent prototype of the class (the superclass or another module)
<ryanstout> elia: humm, I think I’ll need more time than I have today to be of any help :-)
<elia> no problem, talking with someone helps anyway
<elia> ryanstout, I'll open a PR, so the diff is available and there's an official place to put comments on
<ryanstout> cool, maybe this weekend I can check it out
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<ryanstout> elia: thanks, I’ll check it out once I get some time
<elia> thanks! much appreciated :)
<elia> bedtime now, bye
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