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<ryanstout> anyone know if meh figured out this issue?
<ryanstout> running into the same thing in chrome via capybara
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<ryanstout> question, what’s the state on opal-build?
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<adambeynon> elia: do you run specs in rails apps in the browser, or phantomjs/similar?
<elia> adambeynon, :( bad question
<adambeynon> neither? :)
<elia> adambeynon, the only good specs I was able to produce (and run sporadically in the browser) were for small classes
<elia> and involved no HTML
<elia> that saddens me a bit, but I was never able to produce html specs that made sense (as those in opal-jquery)
<elia> also with opal master I vaguely remember they're broken
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<elia> adambeynon, imo tho, I think they should work on both the browser and phantom
<adambeynon> elia: agreed. I am adding more tests to one app now, and its making me realise how badly architectured the app is.. lots of parts are not modular enough, making it difficult to test in the first place
<adambeynon> I think opal-rails could come with a rake task built in to help with running tests under phantomjs
<adambeynon> just a simple hook to use the asset pipeline
<elia> adambeynon, I thought I added it at some point, let me check it's status
<adambeynon> elia: ah, I might have just missed it
<adambeynon> ooo
<adambeynon> it works
<adambeynon> well, kind of
<adambeynon> 0 examples, 0 failures (time taken: 0.001)
<elia> no code is the best code
<adambeynon> ahh
<adambeynon> Dir["#{path}/spec/**_spec.js.{opal,rb}"].each do |spec|
<adambeynon> I dont use .js.rb
<adambeynon> mind If i remove the .js requirement
<adambeynon> or make it optional
<elia> np at all
<elia> in fact you should :)
<elia> I usually keep it bc I often found myself with files with the same name
<elia> adambeynon, btw on my current project I was denied to use opal :( #justcomplaining
<adambeynon> :( bad times. well, I get to use it on all my projects as I have no boss
<adambeynon> so boom
<adambeynon> also, apps on ios8 webkit are mega speedy
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<elia> I read a report on ios8 by sencha
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<elia> adambeynon, what do you use? cordova, phonegap, …?
<adambeynon> cordova currently, but I have started rewriting them using just a Webkit View.. I dont really use any cordova plugins
<adambeynon> was just an "easy" way to get started
<adambeynon> but not really easy.. was such a pain to get it actually working
<adambeynon> but a simple webkit view is much easier
<adambeynon> and I only target iOS anyway, so any form of cross platform cordova stuff doesnt help me at all
<elia> adambeynon, have you put the angular stuff somewhere?
<adambeynon> oooops
<adambeynon> forgot :(
<adambeynon> sorry
<adambeynon> its on my laptop in the house
<elia> np, I remember about it bc I thought it would be interesting to get out a cordova / opal template
<elia> adambeynon, ^^
<adambeynon> elia: sure, I'll make sure to get it tonight and post it
<elia> awesome :)
<adambeynon> elia: I keep forgetting, but on master, why are all the built files delievered as one large file?
<adambeynon> delivered*
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<elia> adambeynon, because of the "main" file difference
<elia> all files but the initially required one are marked and compiled as "requirable"
<elia> i.e. are put into Opal.modules = function($opal){…}
<elia> adambeynon, I tried to find a sprockets solution but without success
<elia> but things should improve with sprockets 3/4
<adambeynon> elia: could we not either:
<adambeynon> 1) Allow Opal.require("main") or Opal.main("main")
<adambeynon> 2) have a custom javascript_include_tag()
<adambeynon> but have it as opal_include_tag "application"
<adambeynon> which will add the <script>, but also another one to require it
<adambeynon> I assume thats the problem, just requiring the main file
<elia> yes, that's the problem
<elia> I don't like 2 very much, 1 is worse from a user pov
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<elia> adambeynon, let me ask josh peek if it's possible to mark a file as main, maybe there some solution I overlooked
<elia> adambeynon, otherwise we'll try to find a workaround
<adambeynon> elia: Im looking through code now. I thought each Asset got marked with its dependencies, as well as what depends on it
<adambeynon> if a file has no dependants, then we could assume its main
<adambeynon> i.e. nothing has required it, so it must be a main entry point
<elia> that probably needs to be stored on the context, but I'm not sure we get the full context when single files are required by the browser
<elia> (as you can have multiple "manifest" files)
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<adambeynon> hey ryanstout
<ryanstout> hey
<ryanstout> how’s it going?
<adambeynon> im good. was just wondering about what your plans were with the reactive stuff
<adambeynon> saw that you were redoing parts of it
<ryanstout> so I’m actually in the process of changing it to be a bit more like meteor’s reactive stuff. I couldn’t get the code to be simple enough and work in all situations with the reactive object stuff.
<ryanstout> the new stuff should be fairly transparent reactivity if your using bindings
<ryanstout> and it will get rid of the .or .and, .cur stuff
<ryanstout> which I think is good
<ryanstout> I did get the reactive object stuff to work how I wanted, but the code to do it was so complicated it just didn’t feel right
<ryanstout> the meteor style has a few small limitations, but its so much simpler I think its worth it
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<elia> adambeynon, gave try to bundle processor that work on concatenated assets, but it's not applied on separated assets requests (those with ?body=1)
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