adambeynon, one more thing, you have some readymade app for android/webview + opal?
looks like it would still work: he checks for a rhs, so it should be fine
elia: I have moved to the new WKWebView
which is much nicer than the old webview stuff
elia: demo app?
adambeynon, was looking for an andriod example/real app , to quickly put together a breastfeeding tracker for my wife ^ - ^
elia: ahhh right. never done any android dev stuff as it happens. (luckily ;) )
elia: I used to use cordova on these apps
but that was a slightly painfull experience
adambeynon, if you want to share anything iOS I'd like to see / try out anyway
elia: sure thing. its nothing too exciting though - about 8 lines of swift code
not the best swift code though - still getting my head around that
elia: what are your thoughts on keyword args for libraries - I have rewritten a lot of vienna to use them. think its ok to take the plunge with them?
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