meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<krainboltgreene> adambeynon: Still breaks with require.
<adambeynon> krainboltgreene: on my mobile atm, if you have the page open though, what does `Opal.modules` give you?
<adambeynon> (in javascript)
<krainboltgreene> A big object, one property is hacklife/terminal: function (Opal) {
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<GitHub112> [opal] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub112> opal/master 3043f4e Vais Salikhov: Fix 'Cleanup Module#define_method' refucktor
<GitHub112> opal/master d0aaf2f Elia Schito: Merge pull request #708 from vais/fix_define_method...
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2302 (master - d0aaf2f : Elia Schito): The build was fixed.
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<elia> adambeynon, you still here? made any progress on sourcemaps?
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<GitHub46> [opal-rspec] elia pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub46> opal-rspec/master 7c57365 Elia Schito: Relax a bit opal version requirements
<GitHub46> opal-rspec/master 5f36e2c Elia Schito: Switch to threads for spec server management
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<GitHub46> opal-rspec/master d26300c Elia Schito: Warn if an unsupported phantomjs version is used
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<GitHub144> [opal-rspec] elia pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub144> opal-rspec/master ef2a7b0 Elia Schito: Enable fast/cantainerized travis builds
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<travis-ci> opal/opal-rspec#32 (master - ef2a7b0 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<GitHub140> [opal-rspec] elia tagged v0.4.1 at 6e88809:
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<travis-ci> opal/opal-rspec#33 (v0.4.1 - ef2a7b0 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<GitHub199> [opal] elia pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub199> opal/master b88a94a Elia Schito: Fix Opal.alias_native ...
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2304 (master - b88a94a : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2304 (master - b88a94a : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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