meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub122> [opal] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub122> opal/master 2212aac Vais Salikhov: Update
<GitHub122> opal/master a79ca66 Elia Schito: Merge pull request #802 from vais/patch-1...
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2478 (master - a79ca66 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<denisw> hi
<denisw> i was wondering: is it possible to actually share some code between a rails app and the browser with opal? at least some mixins that don't use the rails api (and are mixed into, say, a rails model on the server and a Vienna::Model on the client)
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<meh`> adambeynon, ping
<meh`> elia, ping
<elia> hey
<meh`> elia, you were the one that worked on the sprockets 3 stuff, right?
<elia> yep
<meh`> lissio is broken on master
<meh`> because it reimplements its own server
<meh`> can you give me a hand to update it to work on the latest opal?
<meh`> it starts doing weird crap
<elia> sure
<meh`> like telling me corelib/runtime cannot be required because it doesn't exist
<meh`> builder is probably broken as well
<elia> ok, let me check
<elia> too bad my tabs to spaces bookmarklet is broken lol
<elia> uh
<elia> meh`,
<elia> any reason you're not using Opal::Server
<elia> and maybe using a middleware to prerender?
<elia> meh`, here's another couple of things: now code from sprockets needs to be bootstrapped
<elia> can you try using the fix-mspec-phantom branch instead of master?
<meh`> elia, sure
<elia> meh`, alas I can't checkout lissio and fix it myself as I'm still at the office
<meh`> elia, it's fine, the problem with using Opal::Server is that my Index behavior is different, Prerender aside
<elia> with a middleware you could intercept calls for index before they reach Opal::Server but still use it to render all the other stuff
<meh`> elia, yeah I'd rather go that way if it's feasible
<meh`> elia, I can wait for you to have time when you're out of the office, I can use 0.7 in the meantime
<elia> meh`, please try on master with Opal::Server if you can please, any issue you encounter is a bug
<meh`> elia, yeah but I need the different Index behavior, and I have no clue how to implement such a middleware :D
<meh`> and I'd have no idea how to hook it up with the builder either
<meh`> so I'd still just have my own implementation in lissio
<elia> It's quite easy: `class M <; def call(env) if condition; do_stuff; else; end; end`
<elia> that's a middleware
<elia> and you use it as `use M; run MyApp`
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<GitHub18> [opal] elia force-pushed fix-mspec-phantom from c330ad2 to 754d287:
<GitHub18> opal/fix-mspec-phantom 4eae23c Elia Schito: Make sprockets ERB processor subclass Processor...
<GitHub18> opal/fix-mspec-phantom 9174d09 Elia Schito: Add not_compliant_on to special calls (specs only)
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<GitHub18> opal/fix-mspec-phantom 7890963 Elia Schito: Add mspec_phantom to the default task...
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2479 (fix-mspec-phantom - 754d287 : Elia Schito): The build was fixed.
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2479 (fix-mspec-phantom - 754d287 : Elia Schito): The build was fixed.
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<GitHub104> [opal] elia merged fix-mspec-phantom into master:
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<GitHub121> [opal] elia deleted fix-mspec-phantom at 754d287:
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2480 (master - 754d287 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2480 (master - 754d287 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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