meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub83> [opal] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub83> opal/master ef5e16f Vais Salikhov: Enable inline_operators by default...
<GitHub83> opal/master 5fca5b1 Elia Schito: Merge pull request #809 from vais/default-inline-operators...
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2500 (master - 5fca5b1 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<duckduckgeek> Hello everyone! I am looking to get started using opal. How exactly would I use the compiler.
<duckduckgeek> ?
<duckduckgeek> What I mean by that is I'm wondering whether there is a shell tool that I can pop into my terminal and run, or is the compiler itself hosted online?
<duckduckgeek> Or am I just really stupid and I haven't realized how gems work?
<grios> you can pop opal-repl, but I don't see much use.
<grios> opal -c 'hello.rb' > hello.js
<grios> I think thats the base compile
<duckduckgeek> grios: thank you :)
<grios> you probably want to look at this too
<duckduckgeek> sweet sweet!
<grios> There's tons of ways to run opal
<duckduckgeek> I do see that
<duckduckgeek> how did you get involved with Opal?
<grios> More like a boss suggestion when starting a project, liked a lot as I don't really like JS
<duckduckgeek> I totally feel you on the dislike of JS
<duckduckgeek> It kinda sucks IMO
<grios> yeah
<grios> I'm trying to improve my skills with it, but after using opal its hard as I just want to write ruby now
<grios> ;)
<duckduckgeek> another probably stupid question: where in god's name do I download the compiler?
<grios> gem install opal
<duckduckgeek> oh oh oh. haha
<duckduckgeek> sorry for my stupidity. im really just diving into ruby head first.
<duckduckgeek> still not very familiar with the whole gem/rakefile/gems thing yet
<duckduckgeek> gotta go! teacher is coming over
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<jsierles> greetings
<jsierles> if i have packages instlled via npm, can i require them from opal?
<meh`> ì
<meh`> jsierles, running opal on node.js?
<jsierles> meh`: yes
<jsierles> meh`: sorry, no
<jsierles> though if necessary, i can do it that way
<jsierles> currently i'm just using Opal::Server
<jsierles> and have some modules i'd like to use (for react native)
<meh`> yeah, I don't see how else you'd be able to run those if they're coming through npm
<meh`> but elia isn't here
<meh`> IIRC he was the one who worked on that stuff
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<jsierles> dont 'need to support anything but 'require'
<jsierles> nothing in react-native is dependent on node to run
<meh`> require is implemented by node
<meh`> I mean, the node's require
<jsierles> right - node is used in react native development, but the js eventually just runs on jscore
<jsierles> so there's an intermediate step that just generates a huge js file
<jsierles> my goal would be to use node's require, if possible, in opal
<jsierles> would that be node_require?
<jsierles> should just try that :)
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<meh`> jsierles, yeah, I really don't know, sorry
<meh`> elia, ^
* elia is catching up
<elia> jsierles, first I think you should check out if you want to do react-native stuff
<jsierles> elia: yeah, i am using that
<jsierles> it works great, using opal::server
<jsierles> just trying to work out how i might be able to require a node module in there
<elia> ok, well, if it uses nodejs/npm I also suggest to try using the few node specific stuff we have in stdlib:
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<jsierles> thanks
<jsierles> ah, nice
<elia> it adds a node_require that you should be able to use like this: Glob = Native(node_require :glob)
<elia> it's a bit of a kitchen sink tho, mostly built while experimenting with opal + node-webkit
<jsierles> i'll give it a try
<elia> jsierles, let me know if you need anything more low-level or come up with any improvements for it
<jsierles> ok, will do
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