m_mans, in my system I also work with every user having a list of roles
not sure yet if this will be the final concept. I'm still pondering about more granular permission settings.
hi Regenaxer :)
The problem is more to find meaningful permissions
I only work with roles so far. was good enough.
meaning some code does check if the user has a certain role
do you also have permissions Regenaxer ? and roles are groups of permissions?
Same. Pondered adding some 'be mechanism for smaller adjustments to permissions but haven't got around to trying it out.
hm..(be).. good idea!
It is quite powerful as it is done in the demo app.
Yes, +Role has a list of permissions
I see. more powerful than my current system.
And the code has (may ThisPermission) all over
no check for role
yeah, of course.
As in app/ or wiki/
Role is then only for simpler configuration of user
will probably switch to your system
yes, role is just a container for permissions
I think m_mans uses the same
I don't think it is meaningful to make this more complicated.
Well you could of course implement Role inheritance to make some things simpler to configure
but it can't become more granular than permissions.
you just create more permissions then.
The user must understand it, this is the main problem
well, only the user who configures the roles/permissions. not every user, I think.
What consequences it has if he gives permissions to a role
yes, only "Admin" user normally
so permissions should have a description which is displayed on the configuration page :)
If it fits security policies.
cess11_, if what fits?
Describing security settings on the configuration page. Perhaps it ought to be more hidden.
well I would only display this to the guy doing the permission configuration.
he has to know everything anyway
also, not all security policies improve security. often it is more about security theater - making the impression of security and initiative, to have plausible deniability and/or insurance
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hi all
Hi aw-
Regenaxer: how do i use (patch) to append some code to the end of a function?
i've tried many variations and couldn't get it working
i give up with primes and combinations.
enough is enough.
aw-, probably modify the whole expression?
The only difference between this and the Knuth shuffle, is that {\displaystyle j} is chosen from the range 0 {\displaystyle \leq } j < i, rather than 0 {\displaystyle \leq } j {\displaystyle \leq } i. This is what ensures that every element ends up in a new position, as long as there are at least two elements.
I don't remember the details of Knuth shuffle
Shouldn't (de cipher (Lst D) rather be (de cipher (Str D) ?
or Txt if you don't want to exclude chopped lists
committing, right ?
one moment
let me try something
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It tried to avoid the index
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not shorter, but without first counting with 'index' and then traversing with 'get':
'((A K) (and (= A N) K))
A K )
N ) )
What do you think?
I'm not sure which I like more
i take yours for fun and profit.
yep, fun :)
Normally I prefer the shorter solution
But 'index' always feels wrong to me
list is not big enough for idx to make sense.
Most probably though 'index' is faster here
yes, for short lists 'assoc' is better
It did just roughly benchmark it. Even if the cypher comes sorted the building is not worth it
are there still people complaining about the lack of arrays in picolisp?
Not me
miskatonic, yes, sometimes
I can build my own arrays if i want to.
from Picolisp.
Regenaxer: Are you mad at me?
Our interaction in the last two days was not as joyfull as it is normally
I just don't have so much time
i see
I was not able to save the algorithm you helped me with yesterday. So i wrote a function generated a finite number of nested loops which do the same work
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