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<rick42> yes | <beneroth> rick42, oh interesting. So he made ?
<aw-> hey rick42 hi
<rick42> hello aw-!
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<aw-> sorry, having IRC/client issues ;)
<aw-> 11pm in rick42 land?
<rick42> aw-: yes. 1pm Fri for you?
<rick42> It's still Thu here :)
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<aw-> haha
<rick42> just installed wasp lisp. interesting build: the install part of the build is handed over to a wasp script (by the Makefile) where there is an interactive portion, e.g. "where to you want the install root at?" etc. not great for completely automated build and installs but interesting to me was that the install part was in lisp.
<aw-> 1pm Friday here
<rick42> hehe
<aw-> interactive installer eh..
<rick42> yeah. really i like `make PREFIX=/root/i/want install` better
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<rick42> gonna go rack out now. see ya, aw-!
<aw-> indeed
<aw-> ok, g'nite
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<tankfeeder> firefox released 57.0.4 to protect from Meltdown and Spectre
<Regenaxer> I prefer w3m
<Regenaxer> brb
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<aw-> hahaha Regenaxer's response is so classic. We have similar personalities i think
<Regenaxer> :)
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<aw-> finished rewriting one of my bash scripts in picolisp
<aw-> it's ~100 LOC longer now, but contains full unit tests, and doesn't burn my eyes
<tankfeeder> open source? show it
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<aw-> no
<tankfeeder> ok
<aw-> it's for work ;)
<aw-> tankfeeder:
<tankfeeder> ok :)
<aw-> how would you parse this string: "09:56:51 up 6:46, 1 user, load average: 0.81, 0.45, 0.36" to obtain '("0.81" "0.45" "0.36") ?
<aw-> i have a one-line solution but i'm not proud of it haha
<tankfeeder> let me try
<tankfeeder> like this
<aw-> oh interesting, using (from ...)
<aw-> not bad
<tankfeeder> Regenaxer: reference about made
<tankfeeder> All list elements already produced with chain and link are discarded, and lst1 is used instead.
<tankfeeder> with yoke works too
<tankfeeder> ok, let me try without file.
<aw-> my version is flawed
<aw-> it only works because it assumes the first "l" in the string is part of "load average"
<aw-> maybe? i'm not sure.. thus "not proud"
<tankfeeder> like this
<aw-> ohh i see what you did
<aw-> (tail 3)
<aw-> interesting, a bit similar to mine
<aw-> tankfeeder: seems like all these PicoLisp exercises have turned you into a pro ;)
<tankfeeder> :)
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<Regenaxer> cool
<Regenaxer> nice tasks :)
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<Regenaxer> aw-: So it is -40 ?
<aw-> Regenaxer: haha yes, so it seems it will be tomorrow night
<Regenaxer> cool indeed
<aw-> that's why I don't go back for holidays
<Regenaxer> Yeah
<Regenaxer> My daughter's boyfriend is from Montreal
<aw-> oh, cool! living in Germany?
<tankfeeder> Regenaxer:
<Regenaxer> currently yes
<tankfeeder> 12:16 <tankfeeder> Regenaxer: reference about made
<tankfeeder> 12:16 <tankfeeder> All list elements already produced with chain and link are discarded, and lst1 is used instead.
<tankfeeder> tankfeeder> with yoke works too
<Regenaxer> the whole thing is discarded
<Regenaxer> Should we add 'yoke'?
<tankfeeder> yeap
<Regenaxer> ok, twx
<Regenaxer> thx
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<Regenaxer> uh - no more /usr/bin/ftp in Debian?
<aw-> haha
<aw-> i had the same issue with telnet
<Regenaxer> :(
<aw-> need to apt-get install all the basic Linux utils
<aw-> annoying
<Regenaxer> yes, but apt-file doesn't even find it!
<aw-> or install busybox and get everything at once
<Regenaxer> haha, yes
<Regenaxer> need to rewrite my scripts with curl?
<aw-> which version of debian?
<aw-> i have it on stretch
<aw-> apt-get install ftp
<Regenaxer> Buster
<aw-> testing? or unstable?
<Regenaxer> Strange, there *is* a package ftp
<aw-> testing.. it should be there
<Regenaxer> just apt-file does not find it
<Regenaxer> yes
<Regenaxer> I did 'apt-file update' though
<aw-> try aptitude maybe?
<Regenaxer> I use just 'apt'
<Regenaxer> apt install etc.
<Regenaxer> But apt-file is separate anyway, and should work
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<aw-> Regenaxer: where should I look for cmdline/auto-complete stuff in PicoLisp?
<Regenaxer> in @lib/led.l
<Regenaxer> or do you mean for bash?
<Regenaxer> for that is lib/complete.l and lib/bash_completion
<aw-> thanks!
<aw-> ohhh lib/complete.l is perfect
<aw-> awesome
<Regenaxer> :)
<Regenaxer> Similar stuff I have also in the IRC client, for nicknames
<Regenaxer> and @lib/led.l as mentioned
<aw-> seems everyone uses 'complete'
<Regenaxer> In fact, ircd uses @lib/led.l I think
<Regenaxer> yeah
<Regenaxer> very convenient
<aw-> bash builtin?
<Regenaxer> I think so
<aw-> oh yeah, i see, indeed very useful
<aw-> i want to see if I can use/tweak this for a cmdline tool
<Regenaxer> ok
<aw-> i don't want it to autocomplete all pil builtins though
<aw-> doesn't seem too complicated. thanks!
<Regenaxer> yes, just remove
<Regenaxer> the (all) stuff
<aw-> and path
<aw-> maybe i'll write my own complete.l for this
<aw-> inspired by yours
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<aw-> Regenaxer thanks for including such useful libs with PicoLisp
<Regenaxer> welcome :)
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<beneroth> hi all
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<rick42> beneroth! o/
<beneroth> \o rick42
<rick42> what happened to Reg? (timed out looks like)
<beneroth> dunno
<beneroth> I also got disconnected today from freenode (their end)
<beneroth> maybe it happened to him too, and he hasn't reconnected yet
<aw-> hey beneroth rick42
<aw-> freenode's been having issues all day
<rick42> sup ay-dub! nice xchg in the log. i learned something about parsing strings and input streams
<beneroth> hi aw-
<beneroth> alright
<rick42> that would be cool if the `in` procedure could source a string; then you could use `from`, `til` and friends to parse strings too
<beneroth> aye. well one can achieve that by using (pipe), send the string into another process, (echo) there, and than read from that pipe
<beneroth> not exactly optimal, but works well
<rick42> ah yeah
<rick42> too heavy handed for string processing (out to a process then back in, waste of effort/cycles)
<beneroth> e.g. (pipe (prinl "foo:bar") (from ":") (line T))
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<beneroth> well bash does also often create child processes.
<rick42> T
<beneroth> so ok compared to bash stuff. not so elegant when compared to other programming languages, maybe.
<rick42> thanks to intel, the process will become more expensive (with the new workarounds) ha!
<aw-> yup
* beneroth got an AMD for his desktop years ago, he saw no use for a graphic chip inside the main CPU for a desktop computer
<aw-> i've replaced a whole bunch of | awk | sed | grep | sort | uniq things with simple picolisp string parsing
<rick42> guys, when did the intel story break. was it tues (2 jan)?
<rick42> nice aw-
<aw-> it's not so bad
<rick42> beneroth: same here
<beneroth> rick42, yeah. Though the researchers behind the KAISER patches (this story) also presented another attack on ASLR via javascript on this 34C3
<beneroth> they presented this group of attack methods for 2-3 years on congress now. same guys who came up with rowhammer.
<beneroth> everytime they find new impressive horrible stuff :)
<beneroth> turtles the way down etc.
<rick42> aw-: i thought your blog post timed just before (i believe) the intel story was a marvelous case of serendipity :D
<rick42> beneroth: wow
<aw-> rick42: AHAHAHAHA
<beneroth> there was also a very good talk about the Intel ME story. saw it.
<aw-> actually laughed out loud
<rick42> :)
<aw-> rick42: I started my research to "get away from Intel" back when the Intel ME stuff was first announced, but yeah, serendipity
<rick42> beneroth: you remind me that there are so many good talks i have to catch up on thanks
<rick42> good job aw- i should do same
<beneroth> well I would say Intels lowering of quality standards is going on for some years now, and there were various sign of stinks. and I would think that people in this channel (like aw-) are more likely to be sensible to such stinks than average IT guys.. :)
<beneroth> aw-, haha, same
<beneroth> you guys are proving my hypothesis xD
<aw-> i watched that video beneroth, it was good
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<beneroth> yeah. I loved how the first part was a honest reflection about how this whole ME-story was handled, including by the presenter himself, and the second part was a nice deep tech talk
<aw-> first speaker was a bit tough to listen to..
<aw-> maybe his accent
<beneroth> 1. thats the myths 2. thats how this came to be 3. ah and here the fix for it
<beneroth> could be.
<beneroth> probably german?
<aw-> yes I think so
<aw-> but I have German friends who are much more comprehensible.. dunno
<beneroth> there are different German accents :)
<aw-> beneroth: other video/talk recommendations from 34c3 ?
<beneroth> some I hardly understand when they talk german
<aw-> i downloaded the one about reverse engineering FPGAs
<beneroth> aw-, the keynote. the switch talk (if you like hardware hacking). the "Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektroautos" (charging infrastructure for e-cars) is hilarious (no idea how good the audio translation is), maybe the x86 microcode talk would be something for you, though very hardcore stuff
<beneroth> the vacuum cleaning robot hacking is apparently also big fun, haven't watched it yet
<beneroth> rick42, you might be interested in the comparison of BSD security
<beneroth> (haven't watched yet)
<beneroth> afaik the all have security holes (lack of eyeballs reviewing the stuff, compared to linux), and the OpenBSD is the team who reacts the quickest to security reports
<aw-> thanks
<beneroth> aw-, I loved about global gravity field measurement. explained the technology very well.
<beneroth> this project also clearly observed a loss of mass on Greenland (the melting ice), just by measuring the gravity field while orbiting earth
<rick42> beneroth: thanks for that
<beneroth> your welcome
* beneroth haven't watched yet most of the talks
<aw-> oh yeah, a lot of them were concurrent, right?
<rick42> so linux has at least vulns because of eyes? i thought linux would have more, because they are doing more => more code => more potential attack surface
<beneroth> usually 3 concurrent talks. and this year I didn't spend much time in talks, more in workshops (my first time doing surface mounted soldering, and a nice repetition of how neuronal network works, ...) and talking with friends I never meet except there
<rick42> idk though
<aw-> beneroth: sounds awesome! i really need to get that in my schedule for next year
<beneroth> rick42, linux has more attack surface and more code, but also a lot more eyeballs. afaik most code is in hardware drivers.
<rick42> check
<aw-> SMD soldering?! i've tried it once and failed so badly haha i stick to through-hole for now ;)
<beneroth> aw-, I go there just for the atmosphere, thousands of bright and tolerant people, one of the only places I feel good within a big crowd. its fun and motivating.
<rick42> ah, sounds so nice!
<aw-> cool
<rick42> wish i could have gone
<rick42> lacked time and money. but mostly money
<beneroth> and most of the congress work is done all by volunteers, usually paying a full ticket price and then helping some hours. everything runs quite smooth and well-organised. FOSS project methods applied to logistics and event management.
<rick42> could have met beneroth, C-Keen and alexshendi in person too
<beneroth> yeah the most expensive thing is the flight ticket for you guys.
<beneroth> and accommodation has to be booked very early.
<beneroth> aw-, next year, let me know if you need a congress ticket. I can probably organise you a congress ticket in the community pre-sale, so you don't have to try your luck in the open public sale (which is basically a F5 luck game)
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<rick42> beneroth: how far was it from you? i forgot. a few hours drive, eh?
<rick42> "F5 luck game" lol
<beneroth> 6 hours by car (pure driving time, so about 7-8 hours)
<rick42> so you def stayed in a hotel
<aw-> beneroth: awesome, thanks!
<beneroth> rick42, nah, when we looked for a hotel everything financeable was already booked out (or more than an hour from congress center away). so we got a airbnb flat, 5 people together, 4 bedrooms. that worked great.
<rick42> beneroth: smart!
<beneroth> I guess for this year it will be wise to get accommodation before even getting the congress tickets.
<rick42> like right now :D
<beneroth> if it is in Leipzig again, that is not sure yet. But very likely, I would think.
<rick42> ah yes
<rick42> maybe back in hamburg?
<beneroth> maybe, dunno when the congress center there is rebuilt.
<rick42> right
<beneroth> not sure yet if I will go to congress this year.
<aw-> flights to Leipzig ... wow, not cheap haha
<aw-> same as a flight home
<beneroth> short too, right?
<aw-> 14h
<rick42> 14h, that's all? :)
<aw-> hah
<rick42> gotta go, phone con, good to talk to you guys, cya!
<aw-> see you
<aw-> ok my turn
<aw-> g'nite
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<aw-> pretty sizeable earthquake just hit us as i was leaving the office
<aw-> well.. only M5, g'nite
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<beneroth> uh
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<gianluca70> Hi all !
<gianluca70> I have a problem with a string. I have to print the string "Hello\nWorld" in PicoLisp. How can I do that ? Thanks
<beneroth> (prin "Hello^JWorld")
<beneroth> hi and welcome gianluca70 :)
<beneroth> or you can do (prinl "Hello") (prin "World)
<gianluca70> Thank you but I need exactly the string "Hello\nWorld" (I want to use it in a dmenu command)
<beneroth> (prin "Hello\\nWorld")
<gianluca70> Oh ... right !
<gianluca70> but is it possible to use glue ?
<gianluca70> (glue "\n" '("Hello" "World"))
<beneroth> this builds a string, not printing it
<beneroth> (glue "\\n" '("Hello" "World")) -> "Hello\\nWorld"
<beneroth> : (glue "\\n" '("Hello" "World"))
<beneroth> : (prin @)
<beneroth> -> "Hello\\nWorld"
<beneroth> Hello\nWorld-> "Hello\\nWorld"
<gianluca70> thanks a lot !
<beneroth> you're welcome :)
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<Regenaxer> Must reset, bbl
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