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<Nistur> good morning
<Regenaxer> Hi Nistur
<Nistur> Regenaxer: some of the characters are certainly multi-byte
<Regenaxer> As I said, they are chars
<Regenaxer> Unicode
<Nistur> yes
<Nistur> correct
<Nistur> but this is written in C
<Regenaxer> Alt is also a simple table
<Nistur> which treats it as two bytes
<Nistur> and the teensy's keyboard library either doesn't support unicode, or USB keyboards don't because half the keymapping is done on the host computer, or something
<beneroth> Good morning Regenaxer, Nistur
<beneroth> sounds like UTF-16 ?
<Regenaxer> not UTF-16
<Regenaxer> Unicode
<Regenaxer> 16 bit in Java
<Regenaxer> (this is not UTF-16)
<Nistur> but either way, for a-Z0-9 and all the symbols, storing it in a single 8 bit char works perfectly. For the Alt ones, if I did, char something = 'a'; it works but char something = 'ß'; it will error saying that it's trying to assign a multi-byte character. If I change the code to save it in a 16 bit wide thing, and then use Keyboard.print(something); or even do Keyboard.print("ß"); it will output nothing
<Regenaxer> 'ß' is 2 byte in unicod
<Nistur> exactly
<Regenaxer> 1 byte in ISO-8859
<Regenaxer> But also in C you can handle multibyte
<Regenaxer> see pil32
<Regenaxer> all UTF-8
<Nistur> yup, I have done a lot of UTF-8 in the past :P
<Regenaxer> UTF-8 is best
<Nistur> my main point, however, was that everything else works flawlessly, but most of the characters in that table do not, and require extra work. I don't know at this point what it is that is causing the problem, whether it is the mcu library I'm using, the USB communication, or my code... but it's something and it doesn't 'just work'
<Regenaxer> Great
<Nistur> and, like I said, I'm not sure how much I'd use it :P So for now (in the interest in getting the project functional) I'm considering just leaving it
<Regenaxer> yeah, and first try to use it practically
<Regenaxer> to see if you like it
<Regenaxer> an practice :)
<Nistur> but yeah, I just did a quick test, and if I try to output just 0xDF, I get nothing
<Nistur> I mean, part of the thing is, this is emulating a USB keyboard, set to US English
<Nistur> and the computer also sees it as US english
<Nistur> which doesn't have an SZ key on it
<Nistur> maybe I'll just make different alt keymaps for different layouts :D
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<beneroth> Regenaxer, do you use sometimes transient symbols as name for methods?
<Regenaxer> I don't remember such a case
<Regenaxer> But in general should be fine
<Regenaxer> Not very useful perhaps, as method names usually do not conflict
<beneroth> yeah my friend just used it for methods which are meant to be only called from other methods of the same class.
<beneroth> similiar to how transient symbols can be used for file-specific functions
<Regenaxer> Then I would write a function
<Regenaxer> instead of method
<beneroth> though of course the transient method symbol is accessible from outside, as it is referenced in the class value
<beneroth> true
<beneroth> much better
<beneroth> thanks Regenaxer !
<Regenaxer> (de fun (This ..) ...
<Regenaxer> or (de "fun" (This ..) ...
<beneroth> aye
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<Regenaxer> tankf33der: I found the reason for the "ny" bug
<Regenaxer> It is the structure of VarArg function calls
<Regenaxer> wrong stack structure, not gc safe
<miskatonic> does gc on lvmm work differenrtly from that on amd64 assembly?
<Regenaxer> gc is the same, but I must build different stack structures
<Regenaxer> Assembly gives more freedom and control over the runtime stack
<beneroth> the more layers in a software, the more restrictions. too much layers and most code is about mitigating restrictions or re-implementing inaccessible internals from lower layers
<Regenaxer> sadly yes
<Regenaxer> and more abstractions
<Regenaxer> in asm you can control every byte on the stack
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<tankf33der> testing gc pil21 vs. pil64
<tankf33der> will write email.
<Regenaxer> good
<Regenaxer> But pil21 needs LLVM's optimizing before anything useful can be said
<Regenaxer> Tools like 'opt'
<Regenaxer> I have not investigated yey
<Regenaxer> yet
<tankf33der> i dont cate about performance.
<Regenaxer> ok
<Regenaxer> "ny" seems gone now
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<tankf33der> will check on manjaro linux for gc things and will write.
<Regenaxer> Great. I have not released yet, as I'm still working on date/time stuff
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<Nistur> win \o/ My boss has just said I can expense some insulation for my attic... as I'm working there and even with an AC in here, it's struggling to keep it under 27C
<Nistur> I like it when other people pay for my home improvement :P
<beneroth> congrats :)
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<tankf33der> (loop (println 'loop) (gc 1024) (wait 1000) (gc 0))
<tankf33der> (loop (println 'loop) (gc 0) (wait 1000) (gc 1024))
<tankf33der> this is two loops
<tankf33der> if i run this in pil 21 or 64 memory usage increasing and decreasing on every loop
<tankf33der> i found loop combination it cant decreasing and always stay on 1024gb
<tankf33der> pil21 and 64 behaves the same way
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<Regenaxer> Decreasing is not absolutely guaranteed
<Regenaxer> It can free a heap only if not even a single cell remains in it
<Regenaxer> "all currently unused heap blocks are purged, decreasing the heap size if possible"
<beneroth> what is the size of the heap block?
<tankf33der> Regenaxer: it is ok
<Regenaxer> It is 1 MiB
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<tankf33der> good this is not issue
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<tankf33der> Regenaxer: test+match fails.
<tankf33der> sometimes.
<tankf33der> corrected both sides get failed.
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<alexshendi> Good evening....
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<tankf33der> alexshendi: \\o
<alexshendi> Hi, tankf33der!
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