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* wmealing waves
* aturley waves back
* vaninwagen divides by zero
<wmealing> going through the tutorial right now, i have no problems so far.
<vaninwagen> Heartwarming to hear that
<wmealing> that probably came out colder than i had intended.
<wmealing> but no problems is good.
<vaninwagen> No problems is awesome
<aturley> wmealing what got you interested in looking at pony?
<wmealing> so.. ive done quite a bit of erlang. I'm doing more low-level work in my day job and need to interact with the operating system quite a bit more..
<wmealing> it looks as though pony may fit the bill
<wmealing> i'm somewhat familar with actors (I haven't seen superviors yet, and I dont think I will from what I'm reading)
<aturley> wmealing no gods, no supervisors :)
<wmealing> :)
<vaninwagen> No crashing processes :)
<wmealing> well, thats always nice ;)
<aturley> i've done a few pony workshops and i always tell folks that erlang can be a useful starting point for understanding pony, but it can be dangerous to expect pony to look too much like erlang.
<wmealing> I really don't expect it to, ive been messing around with rust and go, for a little bit..
<aturley> wmealing if you'd like to check out my pony workshop materials as part of your learning, i'd love to get feedback:
<wmealing> i will definitely look into that
<wmealing> should I read it before, or after the tutorial ?
<aturley> before, during, or after works. i like to think you'd get something out of it at any point.
<aturley> most people who do the workshop have read part of the tutorial when they show up.
* wmealing nods
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<wmealing> righto, going to continue on tomorrow, catch you guys and gals later.
* wmealing waves
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<endformationage> Should object literals resulting in an anonymous class or primitive be promoted to actor literals when they are subtyped with an interface or trait including a behavior? As it is now, the literal must also include a behavior to be considered an actor literal.
<SeanTAllen> that's a good question endformationage, i do not have a good answer
<endformationage> SeanTAllen: I'll add issue so that it can be further discussed!
<SeanTAllen> endformationage: sounds like a great idea
<SeanTAllen> Thanks endformationage !
<endformationage> SeanTAllen: Sure thing. Thanks for sanity checking my query!
<endformationage> OK, here's yet another actor literal query: There does not seem to be a way to include non-captured / non-sendable fields in actor literals. Should there be?
<SeanTAllen> jemc might be a good person to talk to about that endformationage or, another issue.
<SeanTAllen> im pretty sure you are treading ground that no one has before and will find many issues.
<SeanTAllen> also, thank you for treading new ground and opening issues!
<SeanTAllen> also, sorry you are hitting problems!
<endformationage> SeanTAllen: No problem! I'm happy to be that guy. B)
<endformationage> Unfortunately, I don't know anything about resolving such issues. :/
<endformationage> I am experimenting heavily with literals at the moment, as you can tell.
<aturley> endformationage good, i don't think they've gotten much of a workout.
<vaninwagen> endformationage: your example is very interesting. Here is my 5 cents: object literals, be it for actors, classes or primitives, are rewritten into an anonymous class/actor/primitive definition and a call to its constructor. Afaik every field in the object literal is rewritten as an arg to the constructor. And this is where shit hits the fan.
<vaninwagen> You cant pass a ref to another actor
<SeanTAllen> lol
<SeanTAllen> i love that "and this is where shit hits the fan"
<SeanTAllen> i need to work that into my technical explanations
<endformationage> vaninwagen: LOL
<vaninwagen> But on the other hand the compiler could br smart enough to see that nothing from the surrounding scope is referenced, so no constructor param is needed. Your example should be rewritten into a field that is initialized like it is written in that example
<endformationage> This is my fealing as well.
<endformationage> s/where shit hits the fan/where Pony bucks/ :)
<SeanTAllen> Making the compiler smarter for those types of things, that could be quite a bit of work beyond a few really simple cases.
<endformationage> Apart from the issues, I'm finding literals, generic behaviors, and partial application thereof to be very useful, powerful, and perhaps central to solving a solution to an experiment I'm doing.
<endformationage> SeanTAllen: Agreed.
<SeanTAllen> endformationage: would love to see a blog post about that
<vaninwagen> I will add a more detailed comment on that issue endformationage
<endformationage> Sure if it works in the end :)
<vaninwagen> Somewhen that weekend
<SeanTAllen> endformationage: i also love blog posts about things that didnt work.
<SeanTAllen> i prefer them actually
<endformationage> This is true.
<endformationage> K, will do regardless.
<endformationage> vaninwagen: Thanks
<vaninwagen> Can i haz more of these division by zero memes?
<vaninwagen> lol
<aturley> vaninwagen fresh off the meme press
<vaninwagen> Keep em coming aturley
<endformationage> Yeah, I'm probably asking alot of these features, and likely in ways with incorrect assumptions. But that's the fun part.
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<vaninwagen> And you help us a lot finding weak spots in the compiler, which is just great (and lots of fun digging for these issues)
<endformationage> As an aside, has there ever been any discussion regarding swapping out the tutorial backend? Gitbook is used for the tut, and patterns if I recall, but I think Gitbook is moving to a comercial stance. Though the new version may still be available to ponylang.
<endformationage> The point being, I think it'd be cool to integrate the playground into the tutorial. But I'm not sure Gitbook would support it as it is.
<SeanTAllen> endformationage: are you referring to gitbook the software or gitbook as a hosting service?
<endformationage> The software I suppose.
<SeanTAllen> no
<SeanTAllen> i am going to be moving off it for hosting and switching to netlify
<SeanTAllen> if someone wanted to convert to using hugo, i would be down for that
<endformationage> It is hosted by Gitbook atm?
<SeanTAllen> endformationage: yes
<SeanTAllen> and once i have access to the DNS for (do not ask), i will be moving it to netlify
<SeanTAllen> because gitbook hosting is not reliable in terms of updates working correctly
<endformationage> With regards to the software itself, I can't tell for sure, but it looks like the new version of Gitbook cannot be self hosted.
<SeanTAllen> we've been doing it over at Wallaroo Labs but are going to be moving off of it
<endformationage> In anycase, are there any feelings on moving to another doc centric software that is also Markdown based? One that could offer better interactivity (for instance with integrations of playground / better search)?
<endformationage> SeanTAllen: What are you moving to?
<SeanTAllen> Hugo
<SeanTAllen> We use Hugo for the website (Pony), so, sticking with standard tool for that would be nice. Hugo is quite flexible and there is a "gitbook like" theme.
<endformationage> Ah, K. Will check it out.
<SeanTAllen> and huge is "mostly" markdown based.
<SeanTAllen> as in there's html but that is in the themes
<SeanTAllen> not the content
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