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<Shad0wCore> Hey Sean, you know about this data isolation stuff in Java by doing getters/setters?
<Shad0wCore> Would you say that's something that you should do in Pony too?
<Shad0wCore> or use bare vars/lets
<SeanTAllen> something sylvan and i have talked about is having properties for public fields so you can start with direct access but override at the class without having to rewrite the callers if you want to do something more than provide direct access
<SeanTAllen> the boilerplate of a "getter" that only returns the value of the field is pretty blah
<SeanTAllen> the style of programming i do doesn't usually involve getters and setters, i'm more of a "tell rather than ask" person with my approach to classes
<SeanTAllen> so rather than getting data from a field, i ask the class to do something and never ask for the value
<Shad0wCore> Hm okay
<SeanTAllen> the exception would be when i use a class similar to a c struct where its all data
<Shad0wCore> Because I get compilation errors on this one here:
<Shad0wCore> NVM
<Shad0wCore> I just discovered the mistakre
<Shad0wCore> mistake*
<Shad0wCore> Fck, I takes some time to get used to just a text editor and not and ide
<SeanTAllen> ok
<Shad0wCore> an*
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<SeanTAllen> line 13 is your issue. that is what you are fixing, yes?
<SeanTAllen> well that is one possible way to address
<Shad0wCore> I don't get this. Aren't the last expression always the return type?
<Shad0wCore> expressions*
<SeanTAllen> so
<SeanTAllen> that if you fill it out would be...
<Shad0wCore> Before I take a look on this... Is it gonna be caps again?
<SeanTAllen> the default refcap for a method is box
<SeanTAllen> yes
<Shad0wCore> ffs
<SeanTAllen> and you are saying "this is a method i can call on a ref or a val"
<SeanTAllen> but "it returns a ref"
<SeanTAllen> that isn't allowed
<SeanTAllen> a val can't return a ref
<SeanTAllen> if you want BlueprintSpecs that is returned to be mutable then.. you want
<SeanTAllen> fun ref box get_spects()
<Shad0wCore> I guess Pony at all is not gonna slow me down learning, I guess it's gonna be those damn caps
<SeanTAllen> which says "i can only call this method on a mutable Blueprint
<SeanTAllen> do you want BlueprintSpecs that you return to be mutable?
<Shad0wCore> Yes
<SeanTAllen> ok so
<SeanTAllen> fun ref get_specs(): BlueprintSpecs ref
<Shad0wCore> I mean I'm progressing real fast with learning Pony but those damn caps.. Jesus.
<SeanTAllen> It takes some getting used to
<SeanTAllen> You'll get there
<SeanTAllen> you seem to be doing quite well
<Shad0wCore> There are some things I'd like to complain about but I guess it's just my lack of knowledge
<SeanTAllen> Well, Pony is pre 1.0. There are plenty of things we complain about that we want to fix
<SeanTAllen> Some of your complaints are probably 100% valid
<SeanTAllen> Some are probably tradeoffs
<SeanTAllen> Some are probably more of an ignorance thing
<SeanTAllen> That was the case with my early complaints
<SeanTAllen> Keep asking questions, we will keep answering and we do observe as best we can what folks have a hard time with and think about how things can be improved
<Shad0wCore> My complains would be about caps, unsatisfying compiler error messages which drive me just nuts because they lack so much detail. I mean for a pro it wouldn't be that of a problem because he's used to it but for noob/newbie/beginner it's just "hell"
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<Shad0wCore> I'd like to see just the error with as much detail you can give me. Like, give me a description what went wrong and how to fix it. The whole "info" section that's printed is for me totally redundant
<Shad0wCore> imho
<SeanTAllen> well refcaps are the heart of Pony. without them, there's not much there that would be a reason to use. refcaps let you do unsafe things safely. without them, you'd be doing lots of safe things safely and it would be much closer to erlang.
<Shad0wCore> Also, the formatting is weird too
<SeanTAllen> if you have error messages that you think would be more helpful, please do open messages.
<Shad0wCore> I'll create some sample messages tomorrow
<SeanTAllen> i would say that the compiler messages are giving a description of what went wrong, its just not one that you understand at this point in time. so there are certainly improvements that can be made.
<Shad0wCore> The thing I'm porting to Pony is a server orchestration software for Minecraft. Quite a task tbh
<SeanTAllen> if you came from an OCaml background the syntax would probably be rather familiar. F# folks and other folks from that general ML branch quickly feel at home.
<Shad0wCore> OCaml?
<SeanTAllen> Well, we'll be here to help as you run into issues
<Shad0wCore> The first time I've ever heard of it
<SeanTAllen> Its been around for quite some time now
<SeanTAllen> Jane Street is the #1 in industry user
<SeanTAllen> Its quite good for writing predictable, safe, fast, non-concurrent programs
<SeanTAllen> It doesn't have a great concurrency story
<SeanTAllen> F# is definitely an OCaml descendent
<SeanTAllen> OCaml and Haskell are related by both being part of the ML family
<SeanTAllen> Facebook as a number of tools in Ocaml as well
<SeanTAllen> being an example
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<Shad0wCore_> The funny thing is, as soon as I get into learning a new programming language the thing I think about the most time is "Omg, you're writing so much shit code right now. How are gonna the pros react to this"
<Shad0wCore_> lol
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<SeanTAllen> I think you will find that we are very non judgemental
<Shad0wCore_> Yeah
<SeanTAllen> You should see my Python code
<Shad0wCore_> But also, to improve my skills in writing *good* Pony code, please let me know the mistakes I've made / I make
<Shad0wCore_> Feedback is the most important thing for me
<SeanTAllen> yup
<SeanTAllen> will do
<Shad0wCore_> What was the rule you were talking about? Let the function decide what to do with the field?
<Shad0wCore_> :P
<SeanTAllen> If you look hard enough you'll find other me's as well
<SeanTAllen> tell don't ask:
<Shad0wCore_> Thank you
<Shad0wCore_> Another thing: Classes, Interfaces, Traits etc. were addressed in the tutorial. Why no Struct types? I just had a look at the "pointer.pony" file and there was class of type "Struct"
<Shad0wCore_> was a class of*
<SeanTAllen> struct is like class without the object header. you'd want to use to when calling into C
<SeanTAllen> generally discouraged others
<Shad0wCore_> Oh oka
<Shad0wCore_> okay
<SeanTAllen> FYI, when I have some time, I am going to be opening an RFC to remove Traits from the language
<SeanTAllen> leaving just Interfaces
<SeanTAllen> assuming its accepted
<SeanTAllen> I know Sylvan is on board, we'll see about the rest of the community
<Shad0wCore_> I didn't get the concept of traits and interfaces. It's just about this naming thingy
<SeanTAllen> At the moment, there is nothing you can do with traits that you cant do with interfaces
<Shad0wCore_> Exactly
<SeanTAllen> there's a small difference in one area but...
<SeanTAllen> i wont even bother explaining it because well, it would take a long time to walk through it all
<Shad0wCore_> It's kinda irritating. I'd vote for the interface because it is the most recognizable buzz-word
<SeanTAllen> well, interfaces are structual typing
<SeanTAllen> and traits are nominal typing
<SeanTAllen> do you know the difference between the two?
<Shad0wCore_> I had a look at the tutorial and still don't get the differences
<SeanTAllen> ok
<Shad0wCore_> and I still*
<SeanTAllen> are you familiar with the term "duck typing"?
<Shad0wCore_> No
<SeanTAllen> "if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it must be a duck"
<Shad0wCore_> xD
<Shad0wCore_> Ok
<SeanTAllen> what that really means is...
<SeanTAllen> i have an interface
<SeanTAllen> lets say i have (brb)...
<SeanTAllen> that interface has a single method.
<Shad0wCore_> Yeah
<Shad0wCore_> Already know this one
<SeanTAllen> I can use ANY class where a Stringable is needed as long as it implements `fun string(): String iso^`
<SeanTAllen> I dont have to say I am stringable
<SeanTAllen> that is structual typing
<Shad0wCore_> Oh wait
<SeanTAllen> I have the same structure therefore I am that thing
<SeanTAllen> traits are nominal typing
<Shad0wCore_> As long as it has this exact function signature = structural?
<SeanTAllen> Yes
<Shad0wCore_> Aight
<SeanTAllen> With traits, that is nominal typing
<SeanTAllen> so
<SeanTAllen> class MyClass is MyTrait
<SeanTAllen> without the is MyTrait
<SeanTAllen> I can't use MyClass where a MyTrait is required
<SeanTAllen> even if I have the correct signatires
<Shad0wCore_> That doesn't make sense to me somehow
<Shad0wCore_> Because as long as it has the same exact signature...?
<SeanTAllen> Ok here is the example
<SeanTAllen> draw() as a method
<SeanTAllen> imagine that on a Cowboy and a Window
<SeanTAllen> same signature
<Shad0wCore_> Yeah
<SeanTAllen> rather different intentions
<SeanTAllen> nominal typing in part attempts to address that
<Shad0wCore_> How thought
<Shad0wCore_> thoughÜ
<Shad0wCore_> *
<SeanTAllen> after using Pony where both is available, I have finally come to an opinion on the value of each
<SeanTAllen> I'm now a strong structural typing fan, not so much nominal.
<Shad0wCore_> I'm coming from Java so nominal wasn't something I had/have to deal with
<Shad0wCore_> What argument would be against "removing" traits?
<Shad0wCore_> I cannot think of a single one right now
<SeanTAllen> The argument would be that nominal typing has value that you cant get from just structural
<SeanTAllen> but having both has been very confusing to new users
<SeanTAllen> so, I'm in favor of switching to just interfaces
<Shad0wCore_> Me too
<Shad0wCore_> How would I implement the Stringable interface?
<SeanTAllen> playgrounds would be easier btw... i keep having to copy your stuff over
<Shad0wCore_> Oh sorry
<Shad0wCore_> One sec
<SeanTAllen> how you wan to do represent as a string is up to you
<SeanTAllen> i didnt actually use "as a Stringable" but hopefully you get the idea
<Shad0wCore_> I tried that earlier and it didn't compile
<Shad0wCore_> Weird
<SeanTAllen> probably not quite that then
<SeanTAllen> there was a discussion here yesterday about "should stringable have a different signature"
<SeanTAllen> it would be in the IRC logs
<Shad0wCore_> 'as_string()' or 'to_string()' would sound better
<Shad0wCore_> "sound
<Shad0wCore_> "sound"
<Shad0wCore_> That's what I tried
<SeanTAllen> i would disagree with you on that
<Shad0wCore_> Sure, humans are called individuals :P
<SeanTAllen> yup what you didnt wouldnt compile
<Shad0wCore_> Why
<SeanTAllen> there a conversation about that from yesterday in the logs
<SeanTAllen> why doesnt it compile?
<Shad0wCore_> This didn't compile
<Shad0wCore_> I don't know why
<SeanTAllen> refcaps ;)
<Shad0wCore_> ofc
<Shad0wCore_> what else
<SeanTAllen> function return type: String iso^
<SeanTAllen> unction body type: String val
<SeanTAllen> you are returning an immutable thing
<SeanTAllen> when the signature requires a mutable thing
<SeanTAllen> String constants are immutable
<SeanTAllen> So in that case, you need to do "hello world".clone()
<SeanTAllen> because that clone is mutable
<Shad0wCore_> Future IDEs should display the current caps because otherwise I would get lost holy sh*t
<SeanTAllen> I linked to a bit of discussion about this from yesterday
<Shad0wCore_> Gonna read through it later
<Shad0wCore_> Thanks
<SeanTAllen> you're welcome
<Shad0wCore_> Also, I don't get why doc comments are beneath the actual declared signature
<SeanTAllen> going to go back to watching this basketball game now
<Shad0wCore_> Ok
<Shad0wCore_> Enjoy
<SeanTAllen> well the answer to that is "because they are"
<SeanTAllen> parser simplicity is valued in Pony
<Shad0wCore_> ok
<SeanTAllen> when giving the choice between two options that are more or less equal
<SeanTAllen> we will go with the one that is easier to parse
<SeanTAllen> and less likely to introduce parser bugs
<SeanTAllen> I prefer doc string to be there rather than Java style of above
<SeanTAllen> But you are used to that style
<Shad0wCore_> Why is it easier to parse? Because when entering the function when parsing the function you can immediately check on docs?
<SeanTAllen> much like the OCaml-ish aspects of the syntax are foreign and odd to you
<Shad0wCore_> I like the markdown idea
<Shad0wCore_> Something new
<Shad0wCore_> Go watch your basketball game now
<Shad0wCore_> LP
<Shad0wCore_> :P
<SeanTAllen> So...
<SeanTAllen> docstrings where they are work in Java because of {}'s
<SeanTAllen> there's no ambuiguity
<SeanTAllen> there's no explicit class or method end declaration in Pony
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<Shad0wCore_> right
<SeanTAllen> so there would be ambiguity between string literal as part of previous thing vs for class/method etc in Pony
<SeanTAllen> you might be able to write a parser to do that
<SeanTAllen> but it would be very complicatred
<Shad0wCore_> hm ok
<Shad0wCore_> As long as it does its job
<Shad0wCore_> I'm fine with that
<SeanTAllen> Python docstrings are the same for the same reason
<Shad0wCore_> I wish that I would be as fit as you are in those caps thingies. Dammit, dag it, nab it, nab it, dag it
<SeanTAllen> You'll get it
<Shad0wCore_> There are many aspects about Pony I really like. For example that name shadowing isn't allowed and gets "striked" on compilation
<Shad0wCore_> I really like that
<Shad0wCore_> Like, it prevents so many bugs and saves you time
<Shad0wCore_> "are_environment_vars_available" is a bit to long isn't it?
<Shad0wCore_> I like expressive names
<SeanTAllen> Probably? That's a personal judgement
<Shad0wCore_> How would you name it?
<Shad0wCore_> env_vars_avail?
<Shad0wCore_> Something like that?
<SeanTAllen> Hard to say without more context for how it will be used
<Shad0wCore_> Just for asking whether or not the object has env vars in place
<Shad0wCore_> Why's that a primitive and not a class? 'primitive DefaultLogFormatter is LogFormatter'
<Shad0wCore_> Because it is "default" and thus only one instance required?
<Shad0wCore_> only one instance is*
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<SeanTAllen> It has no state, no need for a class
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<emilbayes> I'm a bit perplexed by this error: Can anyone help me understand?
<emilbayes> I guess it is trying to say that I cannot access length.size() because it is later consume, however, I didn't think the reference was consumed until the later consume call?
<vaninwagen> Let me check emilbayes
<vaninwagen> Yeah, that is interesting
<vaninwagen> Possibly due to desugaring
<vaninwagen> But you can live without that consume in that case
<vaninwagen> When i have some time tonight, im gonna look into it and report back
<emilbayes> vaninwagen: Ah, the consume ended up there from trying to fix other errors. Okay so this works. Thanks vaninwagen !
<vaninwagen> I know that journey. You just try to escape, but you just bury yourself deeper in compiler errors
<vaninwagen> Only a chainsaw attached to your arm can help there
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<emilbayes> vaninwagen: Haha wat
<vaninwagen> Sorry, getting into the christmas spirit over here
<emilbayes> Haha enjoy!
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<emilbayes> Made my first pony package! Not sure I did it right, or duplicated the effort of someone else, but it's mine and it's my first;
<emilbayes> Constructive critique welcome
<emilbayes> Like, if I should restrict the ref caps on the Array[U8]
<emilbayes> I guess it is `Array[U8 val] val` by default?
<vaninwagen> It is ref actually, box is enough, so you can cover both ref and val
<emilbayes> vaninwagen: So I should have `Array[U8] box` to be the most flexible?
<vaninwagen> Yep
<emilbayes> So box is sufficient because the data contained by the array is val? Eg. I don't care someone else "writes" to the array (whatever that means) because the U8's contained within are immutable?
<emilbayes> (just making sure I get this right=
<vaninwagen> Because you only access the read_*() methods which only require a box receiver
<emilbayes> Ahhh ok
<emilbayes> So the receiver is whatever you call on? I was a bit confused by the terminology
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<emilbayes> vaninwagen: Are you mfelsche on github?
<vaninwagen> Now you uncovered my secret identity
<vaninwagen> Now i need to kill you
<emilbayes> lol, wasn't so hard
<vaninwagen> Yeah, the receiver is the object that you call methode on
<vaninwagen> *methods
<emilbayes> vaninwagen: Are you going to CCC by the way?
<emilbayes> That makes sense now
<emilbayes> learning so much
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<SeanTAllen> Nice evil dead reference vaninwagen
<vaninwagen> emilbayes: no, untortunately not.
<vaninwagen> emilbayes: i am thinking, would it make sense to add methods for reading different endianness numbers from byte arrays, like read_u32_be()
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<vaninwagen> SeanTAllen: that reminds me, i still need to watch the first two die hards until christmas!
<emilbayes> vaninwagen: you mean to Array[U8] directly?
<emilbayes> vaninwagen: im too new here to have an opinion. Unless it gives some kind of performance benefit I do like having it externally better since it gives me more freedom and agility
<emilbayes> But I guess reading different byteorders is so fundamental that it wouldn’t change anyhow
<vaninwagen> Yeah, emilbayes, analog to the read_u*() methods
<vaninwagen> Bur having your package releases us from the pressure
<emilbayes> I don’t know what the feeling is pony community. Lots of small packages or large libraries
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<vaninwagen> My feeling is, as long as we dont have no leftpad, small packages are fine
<emilbayes> That will be my next package then
<vaninwagen> I dare you! lol
<SeanTAllen> speaking of that. we could use some help on if anyone wants to help:
<emilbayes> Looked briefly at the repo earlier today. What is it?
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<vaninwagen> SeanTAllen: did we/you already settle on whether we go with a static page or a service with some kind of store in the back?
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<SeanTAllen> yes
<SeanTAllen> vaninwagen: its all hosted on netlify
<SeanTAllen> there's no need for "some kind of store in the back" at this time
<SeanTAllen> emilbayes: pony package listing and documentation hosting site to start
<SeanTAllen> emilbayes: whatever our version of "rubygems"/"npm" etc might be
<SeanTAllen> a mechanism for discovering pony packages
<emilbayes> Ah ok! People also seem to be pretty good with the github tags
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<SeanTAllen> Not really a great discoverability tool in the long run
<SeanTAllen> Sort of a stop gap
<vaninwagen> SeanTAllen: just wanted to suggest a way to add search to that static index.
<SeanTAllen> vaninwagen: i found your comment on that issue somewhat offputting
<SeanTAllen> "change my mind" in particular.
<vaninwagen> Didnt mean it that way
<SeanTAllen> all the usage "change my mind" ive seen in the last couple years is very confrontational.
<vaninwagen> Just wanted to share the idea of a package search as additional variant of an index and link a library to that purpose
<SeanTAllen> "dynamic typing sucks. change my mind."
<SeanTAllen> its a meme and they are all confrontational
<SeanTAllen> perhaps you needed mean that, but i think its a reasonable conclusion to draw from it
<vaninwagen> I know that meme
<vaninwagen> Using it jokingly as sth like: this is what i think, what is your opinion on that?
<SeanTAllen> I would never take usage of that meme as a joke, at least not without a lot of clues you can't get from text.
<vaninwagen> Is that the original image or already a text alpplied to it?
<SeanTAllen> thats the original image
<SeanTAllen> that is where it started
<vaninwagen> Actually didnt know the original
<vaninwagen> Changed the text of my comment. lets move on
<vaninwagen> Gonna abandon that meme
<vaninwagen> Sorry for my clumsyness (or whatever you call it).
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<SeanTAllen> It's fine. I doubted you meant that by it but I wanted to raise it.
<SeanTAllen> it seemed very out of character
<vaninwagen> Yeah, i learned stuff, all good.
<emilbayes> String.read_int uses some custom checking for overflow instead of the "new" partial arithmetic:
<emilbayes> Can I PR the new partial arithmetic?
<SeanTAllen> vaninwagen is the best person to answer that. my ignorant statement would be "that sounds like a good idea".
<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: Alright cool :) Seems like intrinsics should be faster than doing that other stuff (guessing that there is a carry/overflow register)
<vaninwagen> emilbayes: agree with you and SeanTAllen
<emilbayes> vaninwagen: Alright I will try!
<emilbayes> big pony day for me
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<SeanTAllen> big pony day!
<emilbayes> Is `make test` sufficient to run tests for builtin?
<SeanTAllen> yes
<emilbayes> Oh dang died here:
<emilbayes> Is that because I have a wrong llvm or something?
<emilbayes> That is, latest master then `make` then `make test`
<SeanTAllen> that's...
<SeanTAllen> ummm
<SeanTAllen> wow
<SeanTAllen> ummm
<SeanTAllen> can you try a `make clean` then try again?
<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: Yes. On a old macbook 1.3GHz, so will take a little while
<SeanTAllen> how old is that macbook?
<SeanTAllen> system76 has the meerkat's on sale. i am going to be getting one i think.
<SeanTAllen> i have 2 older macbook pros that are slowly dying.
<emilbayes> 2016, but it's a macbook, not pro, not air
<SeanTAllen> i bought a system76 laptop last year but i never use it because i hate the trackpad. i forgot that before a window of macbook pros that i never bought laptops because i hate all the trackpads
<SeanTAllen> the surface book trackpads are really nice though
<emilbayes> I want a thinkpad next :)
<SeanTAllen> emilbayes: i cant reproduce your proble,
<SeanTAllen> btw, you can do less than `make test` to run the unit tests.
<SeanTAllen> that does a lot of other stuff
<SeanTAllen> `make test-stdlib` is probably what you want?
<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: Yes, thanks!
<emilbayes> compiling the stdlib is the bulk of the time tho
<emilbayes> the compiler tests go by quickly
<SeanTAllen> plus examples compiling and running
<emilbayes> ah
<emilbayes> haven't gotten that far yet
<emilbayes> make clean did the job
<SeanTAllen> phew
<emilbayes> Yay, tests pass. Made it to here:
<SeanTAllen> cos that error was "can't find thing in pony runtime when linking with pony runtime"
<emilbayes> oh :p
<SeanTAllen> if the hope is perfomance, can i suggest a ponybench test to validate the improvement?
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<emilbayes> That was more of a after the fact rationale for why this should be accepted. Will see if I can figure out ponybench
<theodus> Last Week in Pony - December 16, 2018 -
<SeanTAllen> Some ponybench and updating the commit comment (in git rather than github) would be awesome. So we can refer back to it in the future when spelunking through the history
<SeanTAllen> I'm one of the people who ends up doing bisecting and figuring stuff out from history so i really value good commit comments.
<SeanTAllen> Some of ours are really good. Some are not so good.
<SeanTAllen> Some committers have really good commit message habits. Some have pretty bad commit comment message habits. Some fall in between.
<SeanTAllen> Thanks theodus !
<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: I did look at your commit guide. What do you suggest instead of that message then?
<SeanTAllen> Rationale for the change. "There's now builtin in support for this" sort of thing.
<SeanTAllen> I think that unto itself is a reason to do it
<SeanTAllen> performance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<emilbayes> I will change it later then. I do think what I wrote is says the same as your example but is more precise. I'm off to bed
<SeanTAllen> With the introduction of partial arthimetic, we no longer need this extra code.
<emilbayes> see you later
<emilbayes> :)
<SeanTAllen> enjoy bed!
<SeanTAllen> where do you live emilbayes ?
<SeanTAllen> that it is bed time.
<SeanTAllen> re: commit comment, that really applies if performance is a reason for doing it
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<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: On holiday in Thailand, eating great food, diving and learning pony
<emilbayes> Well performance was not my primary objective, more that the old check seemed unreasonable with what I know llvm will do on some architectures
<emilbayes> (ie setting the carry register on overflow)
<emilbayes> And mostly trying to do a PR against pony itself :)
<SeanTAllen> Yeah, I think its a good PR without performance as a consideration.
<SeanTAllen> Something in PR comment like: "suspect this should have no negative impact on performance but not tested" would be reasonable if there is any concern at all (or if you think it should help, noting that but that it wasn't tested")
<SeanTAllen> and in the end perf isnt really the reason for the change
<SeanTAllen> this is all just me thinking about what i might want to know if i ended up on this commit while spelnking at some point in the future
<SeanTAllen> enjoy thailand emilbayes !
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