spacekookie changed the topic of to: - Internet independent, decentralised ad-hoc wireless communication application - Logs:
<noracodes> !!!
<noracodes> Hell yeah
<spacekookie> It's going pretty well actually :)
<spacekookie> Although I just ran into a nasty cross-compilation issue with libopus :(
<noracodes> Ouf
<spacekookie> Not really sure what's going on there
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<spacekookie> noracodes: you around?
<noracodes> Yes!
<spacekookie> Cool, so I have an android app that will do.. _something_
<noracodes> Ha, well, something is good
<noracodes> Send it over!
<spacekookie> I have no way of testing what it does but maybe you could run the app on two phones and look at the debug output?
<spacekookie> Can you build the app or should I?
<noracodes> I suspect it would be difficult for me to build it
<spacekookie> Okay, let me make you a bundle then
<noracodes> Tyty
<spacekookie> Might be worth for you to have a look on how to connect to logcat though
<noracodes> Yeah will do
<spacekookie> Because right now I don't really communicate much in the UI x)
<noracodes> I have Android studio, it's just the rust cross compiling that's an issue
<spacekookie> Ah okay
<spacekookie> Well that should in theory be handled completely by the docker build but its like a 5G image so it takes a while to download
<spacekookie> Should probably optimise that down
<spacekookie> Currently waiting for the code to compile
<spacekookie> Oh dear libsodium isn't cross compiling anymore >.>
<noracodes> Oh dear :(
<spacekookie> This is very weird because I've definitely run this code before
<spacekookie> noracodes: I'm gonna be semi-afk now. Do let me know if I should send it again though because the link is only good for one download
<noracodes> I can't get those to load correctly - the APK won't parse, either on the phone or over ADB.
<spacekookie> Hmm, oh dear
<spacekookie> It's built in android-studio and signed
<noracodes> okay spacekookie, this is the logcat from launching qaul to force-quitting it. my other phone, also with qaul open, is nearby, both have Wifi on. there were no accounts to sign in to so I didn't do anything other than sit on the front page.
<spacekookie> Yea that's fine, I removed the whole backend to focus testing on the android p2p stuff
<spacekookie> the actual libqaul stuff is commented out :P
<spacekookie> noracodes: that pad is empty
<noracodes> Ope!
<noracodes> spacekookie: I pasted everything back and it tells me its saved. I was trying to get you some packet captures but Wireshark doesn't seem to see any packets? I suspect I"m doing something wrong.
<spacekookie> It might not be working, the docs are woefully inadequate and I'm posting together a lot of stuff with no real idea if it's actually correct
<spacekookie> noracodes: if you wanted to fiddle around with it, currently it doesn't require any rust cross compile stuff
<noracodes> I'll take a look, for sure, but I'm really not well versed in Android stuff rn