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<strawberyargon> !hot
<kyak> !now
<kyak> i mean, !not
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<promach> For UART, how to notify RX that TX has buffer underrun which means the received data is not valid until TX solves buffer underrun issue ?
<wpwrak> promach: in a uart, rx and tx are largely independent. one can be idle while the other is working, and if both are busy at the same time, they may be at different bits.
<wpwrak> promach: what they typically share is the clock divider for the bit rate and some control registers. but that's all.
<promach> I do not think they share control registers
<promach> wpwrak: let's sa it is between two platforms
<promach> say*
<wpwrak> i mean on the same device
<promach> ok
<promach> one more thing
<promach> For , how is the output of baud_generator (16x baud) used in transmitter logic ? I only see there is a transmitter timing control block in the functional block diagram, but I am not sure how it works exactly. Anyone ?
<wpwrak> i see you means tx and rx on both ends. there, you don't need to tell rx anything about tx underruns, since each byte has a start bit that synchronizes the receiver
<promach> what is the purpose of generating 16x baud ?
<promach> I thought 16x baud is used to oversample RX data ?
<promach> wpwrak
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<DocScrutinizer05> promach: the UART hardware for example does sampling in middle of the bit timing window, and for TX it uses the 16x clock for internal stuff like FIFO register2register transfers etc
<DocScrutinizer05> on T1 the sending register enabled data output, on T2 the receiving register samples&holds data from the bus. Stuff like that
<DocScrutinizer05> sending and receiving registers are local and internal here, like two registers of a FIFO
<DocScrutinizer05> T0: R(N)-out; T1: R(N-1)-strobe;
<DocScrutinizer05> >> tIRS Delay from Initial INTR Reset to Transmit Start: 8 to 24 BAUDOUT Cycles<<
<DocScrutinizer05> also see "Figure 3. BAUDOUT Timing"
<DocScrutinizer05> ff
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