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* ukleinek talked to someone from silabs recently and they too are waying for thread to gain ground, but up to know if you look for available sensors it's all zigbee
<ukleinek> s/kn/n/
<ukleinek> eintopf: and even though I'm a kernel guy a userspace implementation is fine for me.
<eintopf> :-)
<eintopf> but I think it will not be simple and no idea if zboss can work with your other zigbee device
<eintopf> ukleinek: you know what, I give you access to linux-wpan
<eintopf> then create a repo there for a starting zboss fork to make a user space implementation
<eintopf> when I find time, I will help
<eintopf> deal?
<eintopf> ukleinek: I have something experimental for Thread user space implementation
<eintopf> I will show you, you will figure out what I am doing there for sure
<eintopf> I use it only for monitor interface to make test stuff, I know people on the mailinglist they using it on node interface... I told them several times a warning because they don't know what they doing
<eintopf> it has limitations...
<eintopf> but what I did in the af802154 branch, you should follow a similar idea with zboss
<eintopf> only 126 lines \o/
<eintopf> I remember, I didn't upstream it because they wanted that I sign some **** from them
<eintopf> and they got afraid about it
<ukleinek> and that's even though you put opening braces on separate lines :-)
<eintopf> followed their coding style
<eintopf> I still search some other guy who upstream it for me
<eintopf> some guy who signs this stuff what they want
<eintopf> people ask me "hey why it's not upstream" - "oh please upstream it for, I can't and I don't want" - no response back
<ukleinek> eintopf: do you own openthread devices?
<ukleinek> looking on amazon my search for "openthread sensor" only gives usb dongles and philips hue stuff (which is zigbee)
<eintopf> ukleinek: no, but with my branch you can test against openthread (Thread implementation) without any hardware involved
<eintopf> ukleinek: hue is ZigBee, MAY the new IKEA stuff is Thread, but I think it's ZigBee as well
<eintopf> with terrible security
<eintopf> I think the IKEA stuff isn't available in Europe yet
<ukleinek> ikea is zigbee IIRC
<eintopf> yea :-/
<eintopf> you need a google home thing
<eintopf> or Nest
<ukleinek> google home = nest, isn't it?
<eintopf> Nest is fully integrated nowdays to Google products
<ukleinek> because google bought nest some time ago
<eintopf> ukleinek: I can give you an internal contact of Nest
<eintopf> and you could ask him
<eintopf> yes
<eintopf> Nest (which is nowadays Google)
<eintopf> and Google is Alphabet
<eintopf> they are pretty open
* ukleinek looks for nest sensors < 150$
<eintopf> you can reflash them
<eintopf> and put something open it and REALLY use open protocols onlyu
<eintopf> Thread forks open protocols
<eintopf> ask there
<eintopf> just a warning what you get there
<eintopf> "Please consider joining the Thread Group as an Affiliate member to gain access to the Thread Specification..." - hahah
<eintopf> I remember it :-)
<eintopf> I think I asked the right questions there
<eintopf> but I think Google is on the side to open the specification of Thread
<eintopf> but it seems the ThreadGroup doesn't want it
<eintopf> but what Google seems can do is doing an open source implementation for the closed spec Thread
<eintopf> which sounds for me weird
<eintopf> so Google isn't bad I think
<eintopf> they just can't do what they want to do
<ukleinek> the cheapest sensor I found is "Google Nest Temperature Sensor" for $39. For that amount I can get 3 zigbee sensors
<eintopf> seems Nest want to deliver rich people at first
<ukleinek> eintopf: you object to the goolge CLA? After a quick reading it doesn't look unreasonable to me.
<eintopf> you want to upstream my branch?
<eintopf> go ahead
<ukleinek> I guess I don't want to upstream. Just looking around to judge if thread is more sensible than zigbee
<eintopf> zigbee is dead
<ukleinek> I guess for zigbee it's the same: You have to be a member to get the specs
<eintopf> you also need to pay
<eintopf> for using the word zigbee
<eintopf> etc.
<ukleinek> zigbee isn't dead if you look at the available devices on the market?!
<eintopf> for researchers it's dead
<eintopf> is net/irda dead?
<eintopf> or what they recently drop
<ukleinek> the name isn't a big problem, the open implementation would be called "gizwasp" or similar
<eintopf> yea :D
<eintopf> no
<eintopf> it need to start with z
<ukleinek> why that?
<eintopf> because zigbee
<eintopf> and bee related
<eintopf> zapbee
<ukleinek> etnaviv doesn't start with a V either
<mth> so "eebgiz" then?
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<eintopf> :-)
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<wpwrak> zombee ? :)
<eintopf> that sounds perfect
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<eintopf> ukleinek: you want access now and doing something good?
<eintopf> I will help you when I find time
<eintopf> especially when you get "something" working
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<ukleinek> eintopf: I'm still far away from doing something sensible. I own an atusb but nothing else
<ukleinek> the only thing I did with the atusb for now is
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<eintopf> ukleinek: urgh
<eintopf> sorry
<eintopf> ukleinek: there was some use after free resource stuff recently on atusb
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