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<ukleinek> if we have to reverseengineer zigbee zombee might indeed be a good name
<eintopf> may I just start to get the latest zboss and create a linux-wpan repo named zombee :-)
<eintopf> README with name explanation
<eintopf> I suppose that the subsystem gets more interested when we can actually support IKEA lamps etc
<eintopf> then also LF gets afraid
<eintopf> but then they might want to kill me
<eintopf> sorry, but my paranoia reached a new level the last months
<eintopf> I need to register to download zboss, argl
<eintopf> :-)
<eintopf> mhh, the guy added GPL to it, if it's really the license? I don't care when I take it from there
<eintopf> "ZigBee Open Source Stack, v1.0 from DSR Wireless in case they take it down." - good guy
<eintopf> need to write more about naming and goal and why in the README
<eintopf> I need to go to IKEA and buy such lamps...
* eintopf needs to remove some old repos there
<eintopf> ... but I need to apply to some job offers at first, then the fun can begin :(
<eintopf> I really love job offers where they only say a mail address and not such complex takes forever HR web forms
<eintopf> we should say "ZomBee" but the repo name still in lower case
<eintopf> as you are familiar there exists operations systems they have problems with case senstivies naming
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<eintopf> everybody who wants to have a invite for zombee, please contact me
<eintopf> you even don't need actually hardware...
<pcercuei> what's zombee?
<eintopf> - read the
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<ukleinek> eintopf: not sure I want to look at that code. If it is distributed illegaly under GPL that doesn't mean you can use it for clean room engineering
<eintopf> it is GPLv2, I looked as source code files
<eintopf> the guy just corrected the zboss people by providing a clean LICENSE file
<eintopf> * ZigBee Pro 2007 stack, also known as ZBOSS (R) ZB stack is available *
<eintopf> * under either the terms of the Commercial License or the GNU General *
<eintopf> * Public License version 2.0.
<eintopf> GPLv2 is fine for me
<eintopf> I pinged a guy in my city, he could provide me with some zigbee devices
<eintopf> but I don't understand that...
<eintopf> because people on the kernel mailinglist said the things to distribute ZigBee as defined by ZigBee Alliance is incompatible with GPLv2
<eintopf> and I believed it because they want to be sure that people say ZigBee only if you are part of this Alliance, pay money, etc. and your Stack is certified
<eintopf> that's why I used mth recommandation and didn't said ZigBee and used eeBgiZ
<eintopf> So we do a eeBgiZ implementation ;-)
<eintopf> has nothing to do with ZigBee to clarify it
<eintopf> I know at some point the Bluetooth maintainer got in trouble because at some point the Bluetooth SIG was getting upset to all this Linux stuff and he got trouble because he named it Bluetooth and they wanted to get rid of it to say it was never certified
<eintopf> pretty sure some people remind this... it was in the news
<eintopf> mhhh "Commercial License or GPL"
<ukleinek> I'm convinced that nobody who is a member of the zigbee alliance can legally write zigbee gpl code, so the zboss stack cannot be distributed under gpl
<eintopf> maybe the people are not inside the zigbee alliance?
<eintopf> a part of them
<eintopf> - they say their stack is certified
<eintopf> now... is the IKEA lamps compatible with ZigBee 1.0
<eintopf> that would be interesting
<eintopf> so how can zboss published under GPL?
<ukleinek> maybe they cannot
<eintopf> DSR Corporation offers the ZBOSS v1.0 open source ZigBee® protocol stack under a “dual licensing” model as follows:
<eintopf> ZBOSS v1.0 open source ZigBee® protocol stack is released under GPL license.
<eintopf> ZBOSS v1.0 Commercial license is obtained from DSR Corporation.
<ukleinek> just because they do, it doesn't mean they can (legally)
<eintopf> I don't like that :(
<eintopf> you think I can run into issues because that when I work on this stack implementation open source?
<ukleinek> INAL and I'm not sure there is really a problem
<eintopf> ok
<eintopf> I am also not a lawyer
<ukleinek> for me there is no contradiction because "using a given (here GPL) zigbee stack" != "create a commercial product using their spec"
<eintopf> yea, I don't want to create a commercial product... just have fun of accessing a commercial product which I bought
<eintopf> same as you want to do
<ukleinek> if there is a legal gpl zigbee stack it would even be legal to create a commercial product using it without being an alliance member.
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<eintopf> that sounds good
<eintopf> and people can request code if they got this stack implementation?
<ukleinek> sure, the distributor of said zigbee stack would have all obligations of the gpl
<eintopf> then ZomBee should be successful
<ukleinek> the challenge will be to make zombee legal
<eintopf> then I better delete it?
<ukleinek> at least it should not be used until it's know to be legal
<eintopf> I didn't touched yet anything of the source code files
<eintopf> and I have no idea who to ask "is it legal what I am doing here?"
<eintopf> if it would be BSD license, I would have no problem
* ukleinek neither. pointing the DSR-People to the kernel-discussion might be useful
<eintopf> no idea, no fun :(
<ukleinek> eintopf: according to ikea's faq[1] you need a trådfri gateway to conncect the bulbs to amazon's alexa. :-|
<eintopf> mhh, but somehow the lights need to talk to the gateway
<eintopf> and I think this is zigbee
<eintopf> gateway just do zigbee to whatever
<eintopf> in theory, when we get zombee working you can build such gateway easily
<eintopf> such gateway from zigbee to alexa, or zigbee to IP, or zigbee to IRC
<ukleinek> alexa speaks zigbee, too, so it should be possible that alexa talks to the bulbs without an ikea gateway
<eintopf> !lighton ukleinek basements
<eintopf> yea should be...
<eintopf> may it depends on "things"
<eintopf> zigbee version, zigbee vendor out of spec?
<eintopf> then why they say the ikea gateway is required...
<eintopf> that makes no sense
<eintopf> we need to sniff it and look at it
<ukleinek> it does. It might be easier and they want to sell their hardware :-)
<eintopf> yes, I agree
<eintopf> and zombee would be great which doesn't do such things
<eintopf> need some IPC interface (e.g. dbus?) and you can put everything on it
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