Hi. I've been banging my head against something for about an hour now. Inside a syntax-parse, I want to apply two transformations to one of my matched patterns. Example: (syntax-parse stx [(~literal foo) #'(some-procedure (transformation2 (transformation1 foo)))]). It seems that I can't get transformation1 to happen before transformation2, so transformation2 is literally applied to (transformation1 foo)
instead of its results. Any ideas/pointers?
this is what my actual example looks like: [(_ rel c:int-col) #'(col-val-predicate rel (integer-predicate (reflexive-operator c.operator)) 'c.rhs c.lhs)]
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I wish there was a way to search racket documentation for procedures that are functionally equivalent to a given one
so for example I've been using (define (split-list f l) (values (filter f l) (filter (negate f) l))) which is equivalent to partition
I know that's totally intractable, but I wish
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lavaflow, maybe with typed racket?
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hmm, interesting idea
This is what Haskell has
err...what's it called...Hoogle.
Put your types in, returns all functions that use the same types.
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Of course, Haskell docs typically give you no clue about which of said functions do what.
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jcowan: USE THE TYPES OMG :p
jcowan: I have the same problem tbh
ok I have all the type signatures great, now what
I usually have to read the source code
which is fine since haddock links to it usually
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> read the source code
If the types were more strict, it'd be better
not strict...
more specific.
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I think the notion of a type system freeing programmers from the shackles of having to document is.. wishful thinking at best
It does help enormously
But yes, real documentation is best.
Int -> Int; impossible to tell what this does
Int -> Int * Int; ok, we are getting better
(Forall A:Int) A -> A * A; even better
(In fact I dont think you can get more specific)
You can tell now this functino does a^2
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I don't understand the third one. Is * multiplication or union typing here?
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jcowan: product types i.e. (a, a)
so more like a struct
+ would be a union
Right, I always make that mistake (reminiscent of reft/light confusion, which I also have)
fair enough, I sometimes have to think about it when people use that notation too
but it makes sense
It does
Then how can (Forall A:Int) A -> A * A possibly be the type of `square`?
Oh, I *was* using * as multiply
I'm sure there is a more standard way of doing this.
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My type theory is pretty messed up. I've seen many things go by different names. It is confusing to me.
jcowan: I think it's meant to convey the fact that you can have any combination of two values that inhabit A
I think you can do a...product type like this
Multiply A A
Yes, such as "factor n into two factors"
Where Multiply type can take 2 types
so, cartesian product
that's what we should really call them, cartesian product types
I have seen product type...but also just struct I guess
if you have any suggestions on a good source to sort myself out I'd appreciate it
A | A <- I thought this was union type
lf94: I don't really have a single good source
then you have tagged union type
there are books, but they're probably far more advanced than you need