that's funny I thought the new expander was slower
and my library is pretty macro heavy
I don't know, never seen any comparisons
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That was kind of the inspiration for the Chez project in the first place: the Scheme expander was so much slower than the C one when running as Racket bytecode.
The Chez project isn't about performance: it's about improving maintainability by getting rid of most of the C-for-performance code in Racket in favor of Scheme
Gotta love this Q & A: "What does the Chez community get out of Racket/Chez?" "Well, they get Racket."
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How to keep square brackets when pretty printing?
Unless you are printing syntax I don't think that information is available to the printer.
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Is there a way to get backspace in DrRacket to just cursor over closing, matched braces?
e.g. backspace on ([foo])| would yield ([foo]|)
cemerick: not that I know of
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oh, I see the keybinding-lang, seems easy enough
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