Since any predicate passed to the check-satisfied test necessarily accepts only a single argument (the result of the prior check-satisfied expression) how can I compare the elements of that list with the input to the aforementioned second check-satisfied expression? At this point in the book, neither lambdas, nor local variable bindings have been introduced into the BSL language yet.
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I'm just starting out with racket/gui and I have a quick question: I want an object that can display text read-only with scrollbars and all. It won't ever be edited. Is editor-canvas% what I'm looking for or is there something else that'd suit this job better?
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how do I tell racket where to look for r7rs import libraries?
I have on named foo.sld, which command-line parameter tells racket where to find that when I run racket -I r7rs and then enter (import (foo))
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Is there a way to get drracket to garbage collect when RAM usage exceeds a certain amount and if a certain amount of time has passed?
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ecraven: R7RS doesn’t specify how/where to load R7RS libraries, so my r7rs package only loads libraries installed as Racket packages. It’s standards-compliant. Take it up with the authors of the standard if you don’t like it. :)
lexi-lambda: so there's no way to use actual r7rs packages?
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There’s no such thing as an “actual r7rs package”.
I mean, I have a file that contains a define-library form, where will racket look for that?
say I (import (foo)), what kind of file does racket look for?
is import a racket form?
I should probably read the backlog...
If you do (import (foo)), that will look for the same module as (require foo) would in #lang racket.
define-library forms will be expanded to real Racket modules, so if you install the package as a Racket package, with everything set up right, you can, indeed, load r7rs libraries in Racket.
is there a way to just put a source file somewhere and have racket find that?
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I don't know anything about how racket loads modules :-/
R7RS is a little bit of malicious compliance—it follows the R5RS and R6RS implementations’ philosophy of basically implementing the standards to the letter, but doing no more.
There is an advantage to this: it’s very easy to find out if you are writing portable R7RS code. If it runs on #lang r7rs, it will probably run on another R7RS implementation.
hehe, not blaming you at all, just trying to find a way to run code from source without actually installing it :P
But the R7RS standard is also woefully underspecified, so in a sense it just demonstrates that writing truly portable R7RS is a little hopeless.
yea, I'm noticing that a lot
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the actual *code* runs fine, but all the libraries have different names, and the files need to be in different places
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obvious solution: just concatenate all the code into one long file :P
If you want to use #lang r7rs but don’t care about being portable, you can always (import (only (racket base) require)) and use Racket’s require. But of course at that point, why use #lang r7rs? ;)
well, for example in r7rs-swank, I have an r7rs core, and some shims around it for each scheme
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so in that case, I can run scheme-specific code "around" the portable parts
R7RS does provide cond-expand, which is kind of the nuclear option for compatibility.
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which is not implemented by every Scheme :-/
Well, then those Schemes aren’t even R7RS compliant! :p
indeed, as almost all schemes aren't :P
Is there any fully R7RS compliant Scheme out there?
Writing portable Scheme is hopeless! Just write Racket. ;)
hehe, at least that would be portable to all implementations of Racket :P
erkin: I believe there are several. Including, I think, Racket.
Is that so?
erkin: I've heard chibi is good, racket's r7rs too
Yeah but is it good or is it compliant? ;-P
it should be fully compliant
Not just small, right?
but I haven't tested it fully
does anyone here use rwind as their window manager?
in -git, they also implement all the new r7rs-large library name aliases for the existing srfis
IIUC, R7RS-small is the only specified version of R7RS. R7RS-large is still not finished.
lexi-lambda: parts of it are "finished"
Ah, that explains my confusion.
the red edition is done.
ecraven: They published some preliminary ideas for R7RS-large as a collection of SRFIs, but that does not a standard make.
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(IMO, at least, maybe I’m misunderstanding.)
it'll consist of 7 or so parts. the first one is finished. the second one is under voting right now
So can we project when it will be all done? :P
lexi-lambda: I imagine the people over at #scheme could give you more data on that if you wanted
lexi-lambda: 2050 or so :P
Great, let me know when that happens, and if Racket and I are both still around, I’ll try to add it to #lang r7rs. :p
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well, for example (srfi 1) is now also known as (scheme list)
so there's no actual work needed to implement it, but (import (scheme list)) should just load srfi-1. something like (define-library (scheme list) (import (srfi 1)) (export ...)) works fine
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ecraven: Unfortunately in Racket it isn’t that simple since srfi/1 works on immutable pairs, but the R7RS version would need to work on mutable pairs.
lexi-lambda: ah, a very good point I keep forgetting and then running into :-/
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funny, i was watching this video last night
made me realize how bad is the whole standardization process.
but someone said something very interesting there, the revisions are supposed to follow the implementations, but is not doing a very good job at it.
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cosmez: well, the standard uses srfis, so they are at least used somewhere
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cosmez: Those are my slides, though it's not me presenting. What do you think is the problem with the standardization process
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jcowan, whats the point of having two r7rs, people complained about the differences between r6 and r5, and the community was split because of that
instead of moving on and growing the language, r7rs enforced that split
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slides are fine, theres nothing wrong with the presentation, but the conversation later opens your mind about whats wrong
r7rs-big is chasing racket basically, r7rs-small is to keep r5rs people happy
not an expert at all, thats just what i assumed from the whole talk
I seem to recall someone mentioning r7rs was going to be comparable to Common Lisp
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racket on chez, gerbil on gambit, would it be possible to have a scheme on some common lisp ?
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cosmez: in principal, but presumably with more work than on scheme