Hi :) I'm trying to get Racket to use firefox-nightly instead of firefox as a default browser by setting the external browser in the DrRacket preferences to Command Line: firefox-nightly. This doesn't work. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
conceivably: Are you on Unix?
Yep, Linux
IIRC DrRacket uses the unix-browser-list variable of net/sendurl.
You can check if firefox-nightly is there.
And I believe that variable is based on your XDG application data.
xdg-open on the command line correctly uses firefox-nightly :/
What does the unix-browser-list variable hold?
Ah that's only '(firefox)
Hmm, maybe I'm misremembering the part about XDG. After all, not all Unices use Freedesktop standards.
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Oh it's just a hardcoded list of graphical Unix browsers known to work.
You can override it with your custom value with (external-browser '("firefox-nightly" ""))
err, "firefox-nightly " *
eugh, I mean '("firefox-nightly " . "")
It just concatenates the strings around the URL you pass to send-url, so you can add arguments to it before calling it from shell.
I see, thanks. How would I make this change global?
You can add it to your ~/.racket/racket.prefs.rktd config with put-preferences.
In this case, (put-preferences '(external-browser) '(("firefox-nightly " . "")))
Ah perfect. Great, thank you so much for your help :)
No problem. :-)
A beautiful part of Racket is that everything is in Racket, so programs like DrRacket work transparently, using the same functions the user would use in a repl. It just calls get-preference to pull config from racket.prefs.rktd.
Similarly, you can do put-preferences to do what DrRacket does when saving your settings.
That is quite nifty. Feels a bit like Emacs.
Yeah exactly!
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