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Strange days indeed ... RacketCS 7.6 without flonum inlining outperforms all my other variants of Racket on heavily-optimized 4x4 flonum matrix multiplication - even though it is still with boxed flonums.
I think it is time to start using CS master HEAD as well.
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Anyone here with experience with compiling Racket CS?
Either I'm doing something wrong or there's a bug in the bootstrap process using racket as it fails to generate ChezScheme/nanopass/nanopass/ file (I've got Racket ChezScheme branch sources and the directory nanopass is there - just empty)
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dzoe: you need to do `git submodule init`
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samth: is it documented somewhere? I went through all READMEs in racket/ChezScheme and racket/racket repositories (with detail in racket/src/cs/) and failed miserably.
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samth: I'll try that though and probably write a short article for others to jump easily on the same train
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Is there a paper about Racket units? Dr. Google not helpful today.
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