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samth: I am really looking forward trying unboxed flonums in CS - I've just finished simplified Phong lighting model with multiple light sources which means the rasterizer is more advanced than the one used in Quake 1.
And still pure Racket, no external C/asm code.
Let's see what the "final" version will look like: bilinear u/v interpolation should make it even faster and clipping against frustrum should make sure the performance is consistent no matter what is in the active scene.
If it would have about twice the performance, I would be considering adding dynamic shadows using something like Carmack's reverse (but that requires multiple rendering passes).
The biggest problem with boxed flonums (right now) is GC.
Although it does not interfere with the futures, in the rest of the pipeline, it is quite flonum-heavy and it triggers GC more than often.
But the real deal is in the racket/future module.
What is the workload you want to run in parallel?
* zig
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There is several use of os threads in my app.
First, the foundationdb client is a shared library that is heavy in terms of algorithms (foundationdb can work and usually work distributed) and clients are smart.
that is one can not easily recreate the wire protocol and call it a day. I know nobody that does that. Everybody binds the officiel client library in their language of choice
That bound client library, will in the init step, require an os thread in the host language (I do not remember what it does, but it is called "network thread")
well, that particular thread aka. network thread is "fork and forget", one never interact with it directly.
I do not know the purpose of it in fact.
OTOH, with Racket-CS, I would assume you could use the scheme code you mentioned above with only minor changes.
That's where things become somewhat complex.
FoundationDB client API support both sync and async
And it happens that for performance reasons, I need to use both
in my application, the mainthread is asynchronous but looks sequential (thanks to call/cc) that is what I call `untangle` and the mainthread can spawn threads to do heavy computations
"heavy computations" in Scheme?
heavy computation in the sense, it would block the async main thread.
it is not solar system tesselation or weather forcasting.
Well, judging from what you have just written, I'd assume you can live with green threads fine and for those heavy computations use futures.
If you design it properly, it would run in parallel on multi-core systems.
I mean just spawn (thread something) and if it is really computation-heavy, use futures inside that thread.
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ok then, where do I start regarding HTTP stuff, I am used to Guile and Python's WSGI / ASGI approach, I am not sure about racket way of doing that
By using the thread, you make sure it won't be blocking.
By using futures, it may run physically in parallel.
Depends on what you really want to achieve here.
You start by reading everything Bogdan has written :)
websocket support would be neat
I am using racket web-server for production software, but I am no way an expert on that.
Read racket-users archives, lookup Bogdan Popa's packages and articles and that should give you a great boost for a start.
dzoe: IIUC you're working on making racket/future be able to parallelize more than just numeric operations?
That's really cool! But until that's available, in the meantime would zig maybe get better results from Racket places than futures?
(I have almost zero hands-on experience with either. I'm basing that on what I've read... but maybe it's outdate.)
greghendershott: it can already do more than just numeric operations - as long as you don't allocate too much memory or hit some future-unsafe operations, you can do a lot
The work on supporting more hasn't started yet. But more generic data partitioning using futures is something I'd like to work towards.
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