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How do I get raco and the other binaries in $PATH on macos Catalina? I set my shell to zsh, created a .zsh file with the path to /Applications/Racket\ 7.5/bin, exited shell and restarted it...echoed path and it is there, but raco not found
For my next trick, I will log out and log back in and see if .zsh is processed
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samth: I found the source of those allocations - tight loop with 6 flonums is enough to keep 3m flonums boxed and although for some operations they remain unboxed, it keeps allocating new cells for the boxes and it keeps triggering GC
If I keep all flonum-related operations to be on flvector-ref'd values, suddenly there are no allocations and everything runs about twice as fast.
dzoe: ah, you're passing 6 flonums at once as loop arguments?
3 flonums are loop arguments and another 3 flonums are fl+'d in each iteration
u,v,w coordinates and their respective steps
And of course the pool of argument structures helped removing GC completely.
But the result is that I get 160fps on 3m and 55fps on CS (800x600 test window)
I think that with unboxed flonums (for operations) under CS, it might be the best overall improvement.
Also right now the rasterizer really runs everything in parallel as I can see in show-timeline of captured futures events.
And actually this seems like a really generic way to use futures to process data while it is partitioned on-the-fly
Which is what I really wanted
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And it is quite strange that I can observe the same behavior with just one flonum in the loop
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I assume the inlining code takes care of the operations 2x fl/ and keeps the loop one boxed then.
dzoe: I wonder if the issue is register allocation
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That would explain a lot.
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