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<jcowan> FreeFull: That's very common through the Scheme naming system: we have Larceny, Gambit, Gauche, Guile, and Foment, all of them rather negative wordsa
<FreeFull> Chicken
<FreeFull> Chicken Scheme is the negativest of them all
<bremner> I wouldn't say Guile is negative per se
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<aeth> No one wants to be a chicken
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<bremner> typical mainstream anti-poultry bias
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<C79> how can I produce a list from n down to 1
<narimiran> C79: `(range 10 1 -1)`
<C79> sweet
<C79> (range 10 0 -1)
<aeth> well, I had to try (range 10 0 0) and it's '()
<aeth> I'm not sure what I expected
<C79> I guess because 0 is empty. I'm just stuck on some question for the old school bobbers assignment haha
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<C79> any ideas? Develop the function playing-cardswhich consumes anatural number (n) for the number of cards in a suit and a [List-of String] that represents the suits and produces the cards from n down to 1of each of the given suits
<C79> I'm stuck
<narimiran> `for*/list` ?
<C79> yeah. something like (check-expect (cards-for-suit 2 "C") (list "2C" "1C"))
<C79> I'm sure its simple but I'm not getting it I guess
<narimiran> C79: did you see the documentation example for the function i wrote above?
<C79> no how do I? you mean for `(range 10 1 -1)`
<narimiran> i mean `for*/list`
<C79> I did not.
<C79> where is it
<C79> ok thank you
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<C79> how could I do this ‘(a b c) 4) -> ‘(a b c a) and/or '(a b c) 5) -> '(a b c a b) and so on
<C79> but also '(a b c) 2) -> '( a b)
<narimiran> heh, `modulo` strikes again as a solution :)
<C79> I'm just a beginner
<narimiran> (yesterday there was some discussion where `modulo` was way to go)
<narimiran> C79: do you know what `modulo` is and how it is used?
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<C79> I used it in big-bang
<C79> it'll work for a list?
<C79> dumb questions I know
<narimiran> (modulo i (length my-list))
<C79> it just gives me 1
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<C79> @narimiran I had it the whole time just messed up my (cons (first )
<C79> wow that sucks, Ive been up all night hahaha
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<C79> now it's time to go pour some concrete
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<C79> well no its still wrong
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<constptr> Hey,there. Which backend does racket use to render gui ?
<constptr> I have damaged laptop,so couldn't test racket
<bremner> constptr: depends on OS
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<bremner> on linux it's gtk
<constptr> Ok. I use Linux.
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