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Hmhm, interesting.
(when (fl< a (flvector-ref flv off)) (flvector-set! flv off a))
I know this isn't atomic at all.
But, is it technically possible that there will be a flvector-set! from another future before this flvector set, given that all futures use this exact code?
Sigh... yes, there is and pretty common in this workload.
So another one - are 2M fsemaphores a good idea? :)
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Hello! Looking at picking up racket, coming from common lisp - does racket function similarly to lisp, with a live image that I can interact with?
All the introductions seem to come from a 'write your program -> run your program' standpoint
If my program is running, and I want to change a function definition, can I do that? (if so, how?)
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is this one of those moments where it's appropriate to say "the toplevel is hopeless"?
are you replying to me? Does this mean you can't redefine stuff during program runtime?
jboy: I think so :)
tom98: you can redefine stuff during program runtime, there is eval, there is top-level define (...) and whatever.
jboy: only with a link
Probably the question is what environment you want to use.
tom98: the racket REPL is never going to be as dynamic as the common lisp one, by design.
You can technically run your program in a REPL (or use similar techniques) and modify whatever you want.
Okay, maybe a better question is: is racket intended to be used via an image, where you redefine stuff into the image
But things are more strict - mostly with the goal to avoid things that ... can be avoided :)
Intended - no.
or is it a more 'traditional' write program -> run program loop
tom98: no, it's not intended to be used via an image
ok that's cool
quick bonus question: how does package management work? does raco pkg install install to some global storage?
it can. Although most people use the per user option
I install into /usr/local, it works fine
Ok, is it 'version safe'?
what does 'version safe' mean?
If I install X package, develop my project, then I develop another project which requires a different version of X, what happens here
that doesn't sound safe to me ;)
It isn't like npm with per-project package installation, afaik
is there a way to specify what version of a package I want to install?
or, a way to specify 'hey this project requires X, Y, Z dependencies at these versions'?
regardless of whether it installs them in the project directory
I have never tried. There are extreme measures, like forking and renaming the package.
Ok i see
How are dependencies specified in a package? If i install X package and that depends on Y package, do I need to install Y manually?
others might know more. There has been a fair amount of discussion on the racket-users mailing list (google group) lately, you could read that
no, dependencies are automatically installed, if you agree
ahh ok, is the package management subject to change?
tom98: 1. you don't need to manually install things. 2. you can't have two different versions of a package installed for the same user/version of racket/installation of racket. 3. `raco pkg install` puts files either in a global location for the whole install, or in a user-specific location.
fwiw, raco pkg install --scope-dir /usr/local/share/racket/pkgs works OK for me (and I hope it continues to work) if I add appropriate things to /etc/racket/config.rktd
It's useful to me to be able to install packages read-only, but not in the OS controlled main location
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My $0.02 the latter seems more reasonable and realistic
Also, I could imagine a simple tool that makes less-cumbersome the pinned SHA mentioned in the footnote.
e.g. "raco works-on-my-machine-now" => updates you info.rkt deps :)
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A 4th idea is use something like Docker and "never" update the layers that install Racket and your pkg deps. Just update your app source.
The 3rd and 4th ideas are pretty much different ways of doing the same thing, I think?
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how about option 5: use guix instead?
jboy: another (easier, in my opinion) approach is multiple installations of racket
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jboy: tried Racket on Guix?
I've got a X1 Carbon here in a drawer under the desk with Guix and although in principle it looks really good, Racket was kind of problematic there.
(In addition to the usual problems with non-free drivers, which severely limit the network connectivity options).
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dzoe: yeah, the racket package system makes some assumptions about how systems work that aren't really true on nix/guix, so it's somewhat tricky (or so I hear, I haven't done it)
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