when I run it, I get 'standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found'
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everybody please ignore what I wrote above
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tatsumaru: checked DrRacket7.4 on Fedora and there is automatic indentation. Did you select the language? E.g. do you have `#lang racket` at the top of the file? AFAIK different Racket languages have their own indentation specifications and to make indent work DrRacket has to know what language you're writing in
Hello guys, I am using Neil Van Dyke's module for SICP in racket. I installed it successfully and selected it from language menu. Do I still need to write in the definitions window ' #lang planet neil/sicp ' ? Thanks.
in DrRacket*
I'd say that you don't need sicp language though first chapter at all, by the time you finish it you will be fauliar enough with DrRacket and this question will no longer stand :)
aorst, I don't understand. Are you saying that I can just use racket instead of the mit scheme implementation to work with the SICP book?
basically, yes. First chapter of the book is pretty much generic and does not require anything specific. So you can just use #lang racket
and for the rest of the chapters?
later on, though, you'll need some picture language, but by the time you get there I'm sure you'll know how to do this in DrRacket (I'm not using it, that's why I can't really help here)
I only know that you must specify lanugage in the file you're working on, the REPL seem to load information based on this
I'm currently on chapter 2, and I was using GNU/Guile from the start, but some excercises I've did in Racket for convenience, because it has some boilerplate functions builtin
(when I say /currently/ I mean not that I'm actively reading SICP rightnow, rather that I'm occasionally reading it through past 3 years when I feel like that)
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Picture language? Oh come on. Gimme a ARGB canvas and the rest can be history :)
well, yeah, but programming language programming language kinda implies creating languages..)
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That's the beauty - you can create the DSL on-the-fly.
But yeah, for educational purposes, a pict-based language is the way to go.
Actually even for scribbling documentation it is pretty neat.
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