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Hi ... picking up Racket and learning. I have a question about multiple return values and how to use them. I'm using the function (make-pipe) which returns an in- and out-port. I understand how to use let-values or define-values to get access to the return values. What I wanted to do was assign the values to a struct. Something like this (struct
connector (in out)) -- and then assign the values like this (connector (make-pipe). This doesn't work and the message from racket is "result arity mismatch ... expected: 1 received: 2". Is there a way to do this directly without having to go through a let-values?
this works: (let-values ([(in out) (make-pipe)]) (connector in out)) so what I'm not understanding is why the multiple return values can be used directly
_marcusE: first off, you could use ((compose connector make-pipe)) to do this without binding the values
in general, unless you use a special form that is ready to accept multiple return values, only the first value will be used
So what is actually happening with multiple returns? You're not getting back a *single* structure (a list maybe) that has multiple values?
I tried (apply connector (make-pipe)) as an alternative to "unpack" the return from make-pipe but this didn't work either -- same error about arity
The compose works (thanks for that) and I can make progress on the rest of my problem. I'm just trying to understand why compose works
well, what's actually happening with return values is that the continuation is invoked with multiple arguments
which, if I'm correctly understanding where you're at, isn't exactly helpful :P
compose works because it was written to handle multiple values
I can see why apply fails ... it is expecting a *list* or arguments and not multiple values.
note that you're passing the entire make-pipe to compose, and not its return values
make-pipe gets called 'inside' of compose, and the arguments get transferred to connector
Is compose a "native" implementation or can it be built up in racket from first principles?
"...the continuation is invoked with multiple arguments" ... looks like it is time to invest more into understanding continuations
ah, I totally forgot about (call-with-values make-pipe connector), that's probably preferred. If you had to pass arguments to make-pipe, you'd write (call-with-values (lambda () (make-pipe ...)) connector)
compose can probably be built up
I was going to look into the source code... Rust docs have a nice feature where each function has a source link which lets you conveniently study its implementation. I'd love it if Racket decided to steal that idea :P
I was just looking through the source code to find the definition ...
Perfect. I have enough to continue with and have some learning points as well. Thanks!
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Tolstoy: that doesn't seem surprising to me for memory use
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I've heard that CS Racket's continuations could be faster than BC Racket's. Anyone here got any anecdotal evidence supporting this?