I was recently doing some testing on speeding up the PGO build of python3 and used pyperformance to check that my tweaks weren't regressing performance.
so I went looking for something like that for racket and found the auto.rkt stuff in various subdirectories. I haven't really been able to find any upstream documentation/guidance on them. But then again, I have only looked since last night.
Huh. Looks like the rx benchmark auto.rkt tests racket against python and perl. Nice.
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ermo: there's no documentation for that
Hm. Perhaps I could learn enough to contribute some then. =)
* ermo
is currently reading through The Little Schemer 4th ed. and rather enjoying it
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samth: would it be naïve of me to expect a difference between a generic x86_64 build and a -march=native Racket build in terms of benchmark scores?
ermo: I would be surprised if there was much difference
so far, I haven't noticed any difference except perhaps for the fibo benchmark
ermo: does that generate very large numbers (more than 2^64)?
haven't checked
in which case GMP might get optimized a bit
can the JIT be told to make use of -march=native CPU features when generating assembly or is that (far) out of scope?
* ermo
only has a vague understand of how this would be supposed to work, mind
s/assembly/machine code/ sorry
and I can't type either
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it'd be kind of cool if it could, though I can see why that might not be at the top of the priority list.
Being able to optimise for the underlying platform at runtime would be pretty awesome and represent a leg up on most other languages in its class. From what I've seen in C/C++, speedups of 5-10% for "free" via -march=native is nothing to sneeze at.
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(vs generic x86_64 I mean)
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But, again, this is without having a clue about what kind of work it would entail.
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ermo: the JIT can dynamically determine features and use them, but the hard part is changing the code generator to use fancier features
samth: and what about the performance?
dzoe: well, could it be implemented faster than the two comparisons?
so you prototype with contracts and do "proper" sw engineering with typed racket?
Lots of futures, unsafe operations and crazy ideas.
I think that is reasonably exact description.
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But for this part I am mostly without TR - I used TR for verifying the correctness of the previous incarnation of this code.
And actually it allowed me to identify some hidden problems (thanks to Robby and Sam!)
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Also the latest version is well prepared for being gradually typed (most of it though ...).
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dzoe: feels like a cross between wolfenstein 3D, doom and minecraft ^^'
(= not a bad combo!)
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ermo: actually you are not far from truth - the technique used for raycasting is the very same as in Wolf3D, however I extended it along the Z axis. The different heights of grid cells are handled the same way as in Doom.
But there is no Minecraft influence at all. The target is a raytraced rendering with the same capabilities as had the Ultima Underworld engine.
that was more the look of the textures and the sharp angles tbf
(and I'm sadly unfamiliar with the Ultima Underwold engine)
* ermo
goes watch videos
So far the raycasting/tracing is actually useless, but with the geometry handling decoupled from texture mapping, I can cast shadow rays to light sources and compute real-time shadows.
(It is shown in one of those videos - a simplified version though).
with zero actual graphics programming experience, this might be a *really* stupid q, but does the use of futures imply multithreading?
* dzoe
spent 90's programming game engines and to get away from his day to day work, he decided about a year ago to start playing which that again.
Yes, heavy futures usage for multithreading is one of my goals (as I use futures extensively for my paid work).
Is there a way to attach REPL to an already running Racket process?
It is funny when I run this purely CPU-bound rendering and my CPU is ticking at 800MHz - futures are battery saver for my laptop.
Trouble is that I have no idea (yet) how to render objects.
Billboarding might be an option to incorporate sprites into this.
You might as well be speaking russian or chinese for all the good it'll do me ;)
But I am afraid that full 3D models are beyond the capabilities of current CPUs for software-driven raytracing.
Billboarding = flat surface with object texture on it ... basically you do not render true 3D objects, just project images into the world space.
but I'm assuming that billboarding is a technique using 2D surface with its normal is always pointing at the PC?
And yes, brogue is a good example of where to start :)
But that is long time in the future.
Commonly used in open world games with faraway trees, right?
My TODO list just for the world geometry is really long :)
I have no illusions that graphics programming and actually building a real-time engine is *hard*
In wolf/doom and others, it was used for the enemies and all objects as well.
and rise of the triad as I recall
ROTT pushed the original Wolf3D engine to its limits.
The thing I really like is the math behind - it is actually pretty easy. And Racket is a great tool for exploring that math.
(Although I am really good at hitting the limits ...)
Yep, most of it is linear algebra - which plays well with futures (under Racket CS that is ... for BC I had to do so many weird hacks to make it work ...).
Yes, those are the things on my TODO list ;-)
(didn't mean to downplay it, just trying to use my imagination to think what it might entail)
That's OK, the underlying math really is easy.
there's just a LOT of it xD
(SIMD to the rescue!)
I always show this to students when they complain that calculating fibonacci numbers is "hard" :-D
... students think that fib is *hard*?
Racket has no SIMD support so far :(
I guess I have limited imagination xD
Well... I am teaching the introductory Algorithms and Data Structures for the 1st year students ...
(In Clojure though ...)
Oh, ok. Well, I feel like the word they're really looking for is "new and unfamiliar" rather than "hard"
the two are easy to confuse
the difference is that the hard stuff stays hard even once you've mastered it
(or so I would imagine)
or, well, "tricky" I guess I should say
Most of them are usually OK towards the end of the semester.
If you put in the work, you should be. Otherwise you aren't cut out for it tbh.
And as this country is now "best in covid", they have plenty of time to sit at their desks and learn ;-)
(a bit harsh, but it feels like the honest truth)
you say learn, I say practice and repeat ;)
just as with math, you get used to programming and algorithms
some misattribute this to "learning"
Well, the learning part is important as well. For example today I had a consultation with a student struggling with the `let' construct.
it's only "learning" in the sense that you're building new pathways I guess.
oh, the concepts you mean
well, ok. The concept part is learning.
Once she grasped the idea that it is not a "statement" like `int i = 0;' she was fine.
But it's maybe 20% learning and 80% practice to reinforce it.
(if that constitutes learning-at-large, ok, I'll buy what you're selling)
That's true. Especially for this class. It is just a basis for more advanced topics.
*everything* is just a basis for more advanced topics xD
Hehe, yeah
dzoe: are you familiar with Barbara Oakley's "Learning how to Learn" work?
and Marty Lobdell's How to Study lectures?
That combination has been kind to me
In the sense that it's allowed me to use my time more effectively
Coupled with the Feynman technique
Not really.
(i.e. explaining things in as simple terms as possible during recall excercises)
dzoe: well, for struggling students, those three sets of techniques could turn out to be useful.
Yep, I like Feynman's approach.
And I always quote him when describing what the "science" thing really is.
You can conjecture whatever hypothesis you want - but then you have to put it to a test.
And if it does not pass the test, you are wrong.
Simple as that.
I like simplicity.
My favourite one is Marty's use of "cues": As he tells it, he observed an experiment where one group consistently set a cue (turned on a designated "study lamp" before starting to study) and the control group didn't. The group that set the cue finished the class with +1 GPA
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I was like "... wtf"
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Humans are complex systems ...
sure, but the habits you build with cues tend to work well
even if the system behind it is complex, the outcome (on a macro level) appears reliable. I mean, the same techniques are used successfully to train all sorts of intelligent animals
Which is (to me at least) a surprising result, but apparently a valid one nonetheless.
so why not homo sapiens as well?
the most surprising thing for me was oakley's point that if you work hard at something, stop the minute you find yourself getting frustrated.
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That's apparently a sign that you brain needs time to relax and move to "diffuse mode" where you interconnect new concepts to form new patterns (= new modes of understanding)
i.e. work hard (focused mode) then relax and do something else (diffuse mode)
because your brain apparently keeps working on the problem, just in a different way
so practicing an instrument, cleaning, going for a walk/run, play a game etc. is actually not wasted if you've put in the work first
anyway, this is #racket, not #howtostudy xD
Sounds reasonable :)
Yes, it is #racket, but large part of the Racket ecosystem is very educational-centric anyway ;-)
*phew* dodged that bullet then
I guess that's probably why I *like* the racket ecosystem
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Is there a way to recursively extract all required modules?
dzoe: extract from what?
From any-source-file.rkt - iterate recursively through all requires in all stages (normal, syntax, doc)
Basically to find the dependencies automatically.
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