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is it that cool though
plus i thought software was always supposed to mispell things
like "Addam" or "adamm"
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jA_cOp: I've been thinking about makingn one in Racket, but there is only so much time in the day
Yeah. I'm gonna take a closer look at consfigurator and see what it does differently apart from being CL
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johnjay: The extra S in "consfigurator" provides the advantages of misspelling, plus an allusion to Lisp.
i suppose that electron app already has all the atom permutations
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Hi, Is there a standard 'fixed-point' number? something that gives a number and a "scale"?
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friscosam, evdubs: thanks, guys! (a week later...)
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is there a more idiomatic racket way of doing (define fun (let (state ....) (lambda (args) (set! state ...)))) to define a function with some local state?
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xandkar: I have no idea what I said, I hope it was helpful :D
bremner: not really. If you had to do that a lot it wouldn't be too hard to write a macro.
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friscosam: ack. It's for sample code (and only once), so macros make it harder to follow, most likely.
friscosam: hah. Maybe you know the answer to my last macro related question, which is how to define something like which reports line number information properly (the macro test is in #lang plai), rather than always reporting the macro definition site
I guess I need to use something fancier than define-syntax-rule
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Not sure, but off the top of my head you probably need to take a srcloc from your input syntax and stick it onto the expanded syntax.
You'll probably need to use syntax-parse or syntax-case
I was going to say maybe make the test macro smarter, but looks like it is out of your control.
yeah. I was trying to work within one of the student languages that only provided syntax-rules.
I would think if there was an error in "oper ..." that it would report the correct location unless test is stripping off the location
hmm. Maybe I should file an issue on the teaching language(s) about the test macro
Have you tried running with errortrace? It can enable more/better backtrace context
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