chenglou changed the topic of #reasonml to: Public channel logs at Discord:
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<ErikRose> Can someone point me in the direction of a good bundler/optimizer for BuckleScript output? I've got it piping through browserify and then the closure compiler, but there doesn't seem to be much dead-code elimination going on. Fizzbuzz is will 47K because most of Pervasives still ends up in there.
<ErikRose> Tried enabling Closure's advanced optimizations, but it gets hung up on "ERROR - variable require is undeclared".
<ErikRose> will→still
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<reynir> ErikRose: They've basically abandoned IRC, unfortunately. There's a discord channel-or-whatever-they-call-it with lots of peopl
<ErikRose> Ah. Thank you!
<reynir> Link is in /topic
<ErikRose> That's what I get for not reading the topic. :-)
<reynir> Heh
<reynir> Well to be fair they didn't put "this channel is basically abandoned" in /topic :D
<ErikRose> Oh goodie, another account.
<reynir> yea :/
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