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<chenglou> @ShalokShalom so you'd like a fork of reason?
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<ShalokShalom_> chenglou: i like a version of OCaml/Reason, that is without those ; like in Reason, while it still offers a lot of the benefits, like clear tuples
<chenglou> yeah that'd require a fork alright
<chenglou> might not be trivial
<chenglou> @ShalokShalom_ fwiw in an upcoming change, we'll make most of the non-conflicting semicolons optional
<chenglou> optional at writing time; refmt will still put them back
<ShalokShalom_> thanks a lot
<ShalokShalom_> is there a course for newbies?
<ShalokShalom_> and your comparsion is a bit unfair: OCaml needs these ;; just in REPL
<ShalokShalom_> not in code
<ShalokShalom_> and your comparsion is a bit unfair: OCaml needs these ;; just in REPL
<ShalokShalom_> not in code
<ShalokShalom_> OCaml devs know that, which will result in a bad image of Reason, imho
<ShalokShalom_> which is a reason, to change this :P
<reynir> ShalokShalom_: there is (was) the 'alternate syntax', a camlp4 grammar IIRC. I think it's deprecated, though. It fixes some warts without changing the syntax too much
<Khady> It introduced some other warts though...
<reynir> Right :)
<chenglou> @ShalokShalom_ which comparison page?
ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom
<ShalokShalom> reynir: i know
<chenglou> we don't mention double semi aside from repl and a mention in module body?
<ShalokShalom> i am more interested into something with less boilerplate code as possible
<chenglou> everywhere else has no mention of double semi
<ShalokShalom> it needs ;; in module body too?
<reynir> I think it's that let ten = 10;; imperativeFun ten ten;; imperativeFun 0 0;; isn't how people write OCaml anyway
<chenglou> we do list the normal way right above though
<reynir> ShalokShalom: yes, you need ;; in the above example, but it's more idiomatic to write let ten = 10 let () = imperativeFunc ten ten let () = imperativeFunc 0 0
<ShalokShalom> so we dont need to?
<reynir> If you write it the idiomatic way, no
<ShalokShalom> so why not use this one?
<reynir> what do you mean?
<ShalokShalom> i guess most OCaml users think like him
<ShalokShalom> that you use the way with semicolons, just in order to show you "are better"
<Khady> what??
<chenglou> @ShalokShalom not sure who you're talking about, but just to be clear: idiomatic ocaml doesn't use double semi, repl is a different matter, and aside from that we've only mentioned double semi in passing in the module body section
<chenglou> I don't think anyone's trying to show superiority through double semi or anything here =)
<reynir> heh
<reynir> Is »imperativeFun 0 0;« in reason the same as »let _ = imperativeFun 0 0«?
<reynir> Because let () = ... is not the same as let _ = ... :)
<chenglou> yeah we use `let _ = ...`. I think we should switch to `()`
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<ShalokShalom> chenglou: as you can see in the linked Issues page, is it the case
<ShalokShalom> that dude is OCaml programmer and i think too, that it seems like trying to be unfair
<ShalokShalom> i dont say, thats your intention
<ShalokShalom> why do you use non-idiomatic OCaml?
<ShalokShalom> !learn CSS =
<ShalokShalom> oh, mixed channel
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